CS 267 Class Project

Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP) is a driving force for the invention of new verification methods, technologies, and tools. As a class project in this course, you will first select a tool that participated in SV-COMP in recent years (focus on the last 5 competitions, starting in 2019), then (1) evaluate the tool on the SV-COMP benchmarks by reproducing the results, and (2) apply and evaluate the tool for verification tasks in an application domain of your choosing.

Automated verification typically has scalability problems and application of some verification tools may require manual effort. While choosing the tool you will focus on, think about the application domain and the benchmark you are going to use in the application domain to evaluate the tool. Please choose a topic that is related to your research interests so that the project is fun for you!

You can do the project as teams of 2-3 students.

Project Deliverables