CS 267 Class Project

There are a number of verification tools listed in the class webpage and we are going to discuss a number of verification techniques in class. As a class project you are asked to conduct a case study on applcation of an existing verification tool to an application domain where verification can be useful (and hopefully find some bugs). Automated verification is an active area and there are lots of research opportunities for applying automated verification to new domains.

Automated verification typically has scalability problems and application of verification tools may require manual translation, modeling or simplification. In some cases it may be possible to automate such steps (for example by writing a translator from the target language to the input language of one of the existing verification tools).

The first thing to do is to find an application domain. You have to figure this out as soon as possible. Please choose a topic that is related to your interests so that the project is fun for you!

The project will be conducted in 3-4 people teams. You can use the cs267 slack channel for forming a team of discussing project ideas.

Project Deliverables