CS 290C - Formal Models for Web Software - Spring 2013

Instructor: Tevfik Bultan
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 10:00-11:00,   HFH 2123
Class Times: Tuesday/Thursday 11:00-12:50,   PHELP 1401
Class homepage: http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~bultan/courses/290-S13/

Course Topics

The web has evolved into an ubiquitous medium for computing and communication services that both businesses and individuals rely on extensively. There is reason to be concerned about this ever-increasing reliance on web applications. Web application development is an error-prone process that produces a complicated distributed software system with complex interactions among many components. In this course we will investigate recent advances in formal specification, modeling and analysis of web software. The common goal of these techniques is improving the dependability of web software. The areas that we will focus on include:

Course Work

There will be several homeworks and the students will be required to do a course project. The papers related to the topics discussed in the class will be given as reading assignments.

Course Project

Project List

There will be a course project. The goal of the projects is to extract formal models from existing web applications and analyze it using formal analysis tools. Here are three possible types of modeling and analysis that can be done in this project (you are welcome to come up with other types of projects as long as they involve formal modeling and analysis of web software using an automated tool):

Lectures and Reading Assignments

Tentative Reading List (subject to change)