CS 595 -
Topics in Automated Verification - Fall 2000
Tevfik Bultan and Jianwen Su
In this seminar we will discuss the research problems we are currently
working on, and the new results in the area of automated verification.
Weekly meeting time:
Monday, 12:15pm, Eng. I room 2114
- October 30th, Monday. Murat Tuncer will present the following paper:
Lev-Ami T., Reps T., Sagiv., M. and Wilhelm, R.,
"Putting Static Analysis to Work for Verification: A Case Study."
ISSTA 2000
- Tuba Yavuz, "A composite model checking toolset",
October 16th, Monday.
Related papers:
Constantinos Bartzis, "Representing linear arithmetic constraints with finite automata",
October 9th.
Related papers:
- Xiang Fu, "Verification of Vortex Workflows", October 2nd.
Papers (Tentative list)
- Introduction to computer aided verification
Robert P. Kurshan.
"Program Verification."
Notices of the AMS, vol. 47, no. 5, pages 534-544.
Edmund M. Clarke and Robert P. Kurshan.
"Computer-aided verification."
IEEE spectrum, June 1996, pages 61-67.
Shape Analysis
Symbolic analysis
Kedar S. Namjoshi and Robert P. Kurshan,
"Syntactic Program Transformations for Automatic Abstraction."
CAV 2000.
Hassen Saidi.
"Model Checking Guided Abstraction and Analysis."
SAS 2000.
Satyaki Das, David L. Dill, and Seungjoon Park.
"Experience with Predicate Abstraction."
CAV 1999.
S.Graf, H.Saidi.
"Construction of abstract state graphs with PVS."