CS 595 -
Automated Verification of Infinite State Systems
Fall 1999
Seminar Anouncement
Automated verification techniques such as model checking
had some success in finding errors in hardware protocols
and software specifications. Given a transition system
and a temporal property, model checking procedures
efficiently search the state space of the input transition
system to find out if it satisfies the given temporal
property. One limitation of existing model checking tools
is their inability to deal with infinite state systems--
even those with a single unbounded integer. Recently,
there have been promising results which address this
problem. In general model checking for infinite state
systems is undecidable. However, by restricting the types
of properties or the transition systems that can be verified,
it is possible to obtain decidable (and more importantly
tractable) subclasses of the general verification problem.
In this seminar we will discuss the recent results in this
direction and their possible extensions and applications.
Wednesdays 1:30pm-3:00pm, CS conference room (Eng I 2114)