CS 595 -
Web Services
The emerging paradigm of electronic services promises to bring to
distributed computation and services the flexibility that the web has
brought to the sharing of documents. An understanding of fundamental
properties of e-service composition is required in order to take full
advantage of the paradigm. There are a variety of research topics
including behavioral service signatures, verification and synthesis
techniques for composite services, analysis of service data manipulation
commands, and XML analysis applied to service specifications. In this
seminar we will discuss proposals, standards, and research results
concerning e-services.
Tevfik Bultan and Jianwen Su
Enrollment Code:
Meeting time and place
1:00PM, Thursdays, CS conference room
- April 10, Jianwen Su
R. Hull, M. Benedikt, V. Christophides, and J. Su. E-Services:
A Look Behind and Curtain, in Proc. ACM PODS, 2003
- April 17, Ying Yan
Process Execution Language for Web Services (Version 1.0). http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-bpel,
- April 24, Xiang Fu
Model Checking Conversation Protocols
- May 8, Stacy E. Patterson
Java Message Service (JMS)
- May 15, Constantinos Bartzis
- May 22, Xiang Fu
S. Abiteboul, V. Vianu, B. Fordham, and Y. Yesha. Relational
transducers for electronic commerce. Journal of Computer and System
Sciences, 61(2):236--269, 2000
- May 29
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- June 5, Ozgur Sahin
XL: An XML Programming Language for Web Service Specification and Composition
Tentative Reading List
- P. Wohed, W.M.P. van der Aalst, M. Dumas, and
A.H.M. ter Hofstede. Pattern based analysis of BPEL4WS. Technical Report
FIT-TR-2002-04, QUT, Queensland University of Technology, 2002. http://tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/staff/wvdaalst/Publications/p175.pdf.
- W. M. P. van der Aalst. Don't go with the flow:
Web services composition standards exposed, IEEE Intelligent Systems,
Jan/Feb 2003.
- A. Arkin. Business Process Modeling Language
(BPML), Version 1.0. BPML.org, 2002.
- ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (Version 1.01). http://www.ebxml.org/specs/ebBPSS.pdf,
May 11 2002.
- N. Daswani, H. Garcia-Molina, and B. Yang. Open problems in data-sharing
peer-to-peer systems. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Database Theory, pages
1-15, 2003.
- DAML-S Coalition (A. Ankolekar et al). DAML-S: Web service description
for the semantic web. In The Semantic Web - ISWC 2002, Proc. 1st Int.
Semantic Web Conference, volume 2342 of LNCS, pages 348-363,
June 2002.
- DAML Services Coalition (A. Ankolekar et al). DAML-S: Semantic markup
for web services. In Proc. of Int. Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS),
pages 411-430, July/August 2001.
- D. Florescu, A. Gruhagen, and D. Kossmann. XL: An XML programming
language for web service specification and composition. In Proc. World
Wide Web Conf., pages 65-76, 2002.
- I. Foster and C. Kesselman, editors. The Grid: Blueprint for a
Future Computing Infrastructure. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998.
- J. Frey, T. Tannenbaum, I. Foster, M. Livny, and S. Tuecke. Condor-G:
A computation management agent for multi-institutional Grids. In Proc.
IEEE Symp. High Performance Distributed Computing (HDPC), 2001.
- S. Gay and M. Hole. Types for correct communication in client-server
systems. Tech. Report CSD-TR-00-07, Dept. of Computer Science, Royal Holloway,
Univ. of London, Dec. 2000.
- F. Leymann. Web Services Flow Language (WSFL 1.0), May 2001.
- S. Thatte. XLANG: Web services for business process design, 2001.
- Universal Description, Discovery and Integration of Web Services (UDDI)
3. http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/uddi-spec/tcspecs.shtml#uddiv3, 2002.
- W.M.P. van der Aalst, M. Dumas, A.H.M. ter Hofstede,
and P. Wohed. Pattern based analysis of BPML (and WSCI). Technical Report
FIT-TR-2002-05, QUT, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, 2002.
- Web Services Conversation Language (WSCL) 1.0. http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/NOTE-wscl10-20020314,
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1. http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315,
- V. Christophides, R. Hull, G. Karvounarakis, A. Kumar, G. Tong, and
M. Xiong. Beyond discrete e-services: Composing session-oriented services
in telecommunications. In Proc. of Workshop on Technologies for E-Services
(TES), Springer LNCS volume 2193, Rome, Italy, September 2001.
- V. Christophides, R. Hull, and A. Kumar. Querying and splicing of
XML workflows. In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Cooperating Information Systems
(CoopIS), 2001.
- S. Gribble, A. Halevy, Z. Ives, M. Rodrig, and D. Suciu. What can
databases do for Peer-to-Peer? In Workshop on Databases and the Web (WebDB),
- K. Honda, V. Vasconcelos, and M. Kubo. Language primitives and type
discipline for structured communication-based programming. In Programming
Languages and Systems, 7th European Symposium on Programming, 1998.
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1. http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/,
- Java Message Service (JMS) http://java.sun.com/products/jms/