TAV-WEB 2008
Workshop on Testing, Analysis and Verification
of Web Software
Seattle, WA, Monday, July 21, 2008
In conjunction with
ISSTA 2008
Registeration for ISSTA and TAV-WEB is open
- 9:15-9:30 Opening Remarks
- 9:30-10:30 Keynote
"Using Program Analysis to Improve Web
Application Security and Reliability"
Alex Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology
- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:00 Session 1
- 11:00-11:30
"Hybrid Test of Web Applications with Webtest"
Harald Raffelt (TU Dortmund),
Bernhard Steffen (TU Dortmund),
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam),
Maik Merten (TU Dortmund)
- 11:30-12:00
"Empirical Studies of a Decentralized Regression
Test Selection Framework for Web Services"
Michael E. Ruth (Wagner College),
Shengru Tu (University of New Orleans)
- 12:00-1:30 Lunch Break
- 1:30-3:00 Session 2
- 1:00-1:30
"Towards a Unified Framework
for the Monitoring and Recovery of BPEL Processes"
Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano),
Sam Guinea (Politecnico di Milano),
Liliana Pasquale (Politecnico di Milano)
- 2:00-2:30
"Policy expression
and checking in XACML, WS-Policies, and the jABC"
Martin Karusseit (TU Dortmund)
Tiziana Margaria (Universitat Potsdam)
Holger Willebrandt (TU Dortmund)
- 2:30-3:00
"Multiple-Implementation Testing for XACML
Nuo Li (North Carolina State University),
JeeHyun Hwang (North Carolina State University),
Tao Xie (North Carolina State University)
- 3:00-3:30 Coffee Break
- 3:30-4:30 Session 3
- 3:30-4:00
"SAFELI - SQL Injection Scanner Using Symbolic Execution"
Xiang Fu (Georgia Southwestern State University),
Kai Qian (Southern Polytechnic State University)
- 4:00-4:30
"Client and Server
Verification for Web Services Using Interface Grammars"
Graham Hughes (University of California, Santa Barbara),
Tevfik Bultan (University of California, Santa Barbara),
Muath Alkhalaf (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- 4:30-5:00 Invited Tool Demo
"White-Box Testing of Behavioral Web
Service Contracts with Pex"
Nikolai Tillmann (Microsoft Research),
Jonathan de Halleux (Microsoft Research)
Purpose and Scope
The last decade has seen the explosive growth of interactive Web software, which is now commonplace in many application domains including retail and finance. This explosive growth is likely to accelerate further by adoption of service oriented computing paradigm that enables interactions among Web accessible software components, facilitating business-to-business application development. Challenges in developing Web accessible software has inspired a new wave of languages, standards, and tools that have not yet become part of the mainstream software engineering research and education. On the other hand, an increasingly large number of software developers work exclusively on Web software development.
Developing dependable Web software requires effective testing, analysis and verification techniques and tools that address not only the needs of software in general but also the peculiar challenges of this domain such as:
- Distributed nature of Web accessible software components makes interoperability and integration especially challenging.
- Web applications and services are prone to concurrency errors since they rely on concurrent processing of user/service requests.
- Interfaces play an important role in coordination of components within a Web application or coordination of Web services across organizational boundaries, and interface violations can cause serious problems.
- Diverse communication mechanisms such as synchronous and asynchronous messaging and remote procedure calls result in complex interaction behavior.
- Performance is an important problem for web software due to a high volume of web accesses and requests and communication overhead (such as service interactions) inside web software.
- Security and privacy are critical for web software due to ease of access and cross-enterprise exchange of potentially sensitive data.
- New languages (such as BPEL), new software development platforms (such as Ruby on Rails), and data formats (such as XML) introduced for this particular domain present new challenges.
- Migrating legacy software to web software calls for new techniques and tools to support the process.
These challenges will require and inspire new testing, analysis and verification techniques and corresponding tools, which will form the focus of this workshop.
The scope of the TAV-WEB 2008 has been extended (from the web service scope of previous workshops TAV-WEB 2004 and TAV-WEB 2006) to include all Web software. This increase in scope is intended to help bring together researchers working on testing, analysis and verification of web services and interactive web applications together.
This one-full-day workshop will seek both research papers and experience reports from the academic, research, and industrial communities. The workshop will also invite tool demonstrations for papers that have a tool in them.
Accepted papers will be included in the ISSTA proceedings and thus will be accessible to the workshop participants before the workshop to facilitate interaction and discussion. The accepted papers will also be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Important Dates
- Paper submissions: Extended deadline: Friday, May 2, 2008
by 23:59:59 Apia time
- Author notification: Friday, May 23, 2008
- Camera-ready copy: Friday, May 30, 2008
- Workshop: Monday, July 21, 2008
Paper Submissions
Papers must follow the
ACM conference format
and must not exceed 7 pages, including figures and
references. All submissions must be in English. Papers must be
submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the TAV-WEB
easychair conference system.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three PC members. Acceptance will be primarily based on content quality, workshop relevance, and potential to generate discussion. For each accepted paper, an author must attend and present the paper at the workshop.
Camera-Ready Copy:
Please see
the instructions
on how to submit the camera-ready copy of your
paper and your signed ACM copyright form.
Workshop registration can be done via
the ISSTA registration site.
- Tevfik Bultan
(bultan at cs.ucsb.edu)
University of California, Santa Barbara
- Tao Xie
(xie at csc.ncsu.edu)
North Carolina State University
Program Committee
- Thomas Ball Microsoft Research, USA
- Luciano Baresi Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Tevfik Bultan (PC co-chair) University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
- Gerardo Canfora University of Sannio, Italy
- Wim De Pauw IBM Research, USA
- Schahram Dustdar Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Howard Foster Imperial College London, UK
- Xiang Fu Georgia Southwestern State University, USA
- Mark Grechanik Accenture Labs, USA
- Raimondas Lencevicius Nokia Research, USA
- Alessandro Marchetto Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST, Trento, Italy
- Tiziana Margaria University of Potsdam, Germany
- Anders Møller University of Aarhus, Denmark
- Lori Pollock University of Delaware, USA
- Wei-Tek Tsai Arizona State University, USA
- Tao Xie (PC co-chair) North Carolina State University, USA
- Andrea Zisman City University, UK
Past TAV-WEB Workshops
TAV-WEB 2006
TAV-WEB 2004