``Visualizing the Execution of Web Services,'' Wim De Pauw, IBM Research.
Web Services is becoming the lingua franca for loosely coupled distributed applications. As the number of nodes and the complexity of these applications will grow over the coming years, it will become more challenging for developers to understand, debug, and optimize these large applications. In this talk, we will explain how visualization can help to address these problems. The tool Websight, that we are building, monitors Web Services communication and displays the result as a series of interactive visualizations, allowing developers to observe and explore the dynamic behavior of their Web Services configurations.
Registration fee for TAV-WEB is $50. You do NOT have to register for ISSTA in order to register for TAV-WEB (i.e., you do NOT have to pay the ISSTA registration fee if you just want to attend TAV-WEB).
Developing reliable software for interactive Web applications and the underlying Web services will require effective testing, analysis and verification techniques and tools that address not only the needs of software in general but also the peculiar demands of this domain. These demands include unusual interaction patterns, asynchronous communication models, a greater reliance on published interfaces and protocols than is common in single-language and single-platform libraries, and so on. These demands will require and inspire new techniques and corresponding tools, which will form the focus of this workshop. Topics of interest include contributions that address
Thomas Ball | Microsoft Research |
Tevfik Bultan (co-chair) | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Luca de Alfaro | University of California, Santa Cruz |
Wim De Pauw | IBM Research |
Richard Hull | Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies |
Shriram Krishnamurthi (co-chair) | Brown University |
A. Jefferson Offutt | George Mason University |
Michael I. Schwartzbach | University of Aarhus, BRICS |
Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk@cs.brown.edu) Brown University