Hello world!

In the distributed Hello World example, a client makes a remote method call to the server, to retrieve the message "Hello world!". When the client runs, "Hello world!" is output to the client's System.out stream.

To accomplish this, we need to:

  1. Write the Java sources
  2. Compile and deploy class files
  3. Start the RMI registry, server, and client
Note:  The terms "remote object implementation", "object implementation," and "implementation" may be used interchangeably to refer to  the class, examples.hello.HelloImpl, which implements Hello, an extension of Remote.

Write the Java Source

Define the functions of the remote class as a Java interface

Your remote interface declares each of the methods that you want to call remotely.  Remote interfaces have the following characteristics:
  • It must be declared public. Otherwise, unless a client is in the same package as the remote interface,  the client will get an error when attempting to load a remote object that implements the remote interface.
  • It extends the java.rmi.Remote interface.
  • Each method must declare java.rmi.RemoteException (or a superclass of RemoteException ) in its throws clause.
  • Write the implementation & server classes

    At a minimum, a remote object implementation class must:
  • Implement at least one Remote interface.
  • Define the constructor for the remote object.
  • A "server" class in this context, is the class which has a main method that:
  • creates an instance of the remote object implementation, and
  • binds that instance to a name in the rmiregistry.
  • The class that contains this main method could be the implementation class itself, or another class.

    In this example, the main method is part of examples.hello.HelloImpl. The server program needs to:

  • Instantiate the remote object.
  • Register the remote object with the rmiregistry.
  • An explanation of each of these steps follows the source for HelloImpl.java:
    import java.rmi.Naming;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

    public class HelloImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Hello
        public HelloImpl() throws RemoteException {}

        public String sayHello() { return "Hello world!"; }

        public static void main(String args[])
                HelloImpl obj = new HelloImpl();
                // Bind this object instance to the name "HelloServer"
                Naming.rebind("HelloServer", obj);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.out.println("HelloImpl err: " + e.getMessage());

    Define the constructor for the remote object

    Your remote object instance is exported: make it available to accept incoming remote method invocations by listening for incoming calls to the remote object on an anonymous port.
  • When you extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject, your class is automatically exported upon creation.

  • Because the object export could potentially throw a java.rmi.RemoteException, you must define a constructor that throws a RemoteException, even if the constructor does nothing else. The no-argument constructor for the superclass, UnicastRemoteObject, declares the exception RemoteException in its throws clause, so your constructor must also declare that it can throw RemoteException. A RemoteException can occur during construction if the attempt to export the object fails--due to, for example, communication resources being unavailable or the appropriate stub  class not being found.

    Instantiate a remote object

    The main method of the server creates an instance of the remote object implementation:
    HelloImpl obj = new HelloImpl();
    The constructor exports the remote object: Once created, the remote object is ready to accept incoming calls.

    Register the remote object

    For a client to invoke a method on a remote object, it must get a reference to the remote object.

    The RMI system provides a remote object registry that allows you to bind a URL-formatted name of the form "//host/objectname" to the remote object, where objectname is a simple string name.

    The RMI registry is a simple server-side name server that allows remote clients to get a reference to a remote object.

    It typically is used to locate only the first remote object an RMI client needs to talk to. Then, that first object in turn, provides application-specific support getting references for other objects.

    For example, the reference can be obtained as a parameter to, or a return value from, another remote method call.

    Once a remote object is registered in the rmiregistry, clients can:

    For example, the following code binds the name "HelloServer" to a reference for the remote object:
    Naming.rebind("HelloServer", obj);

    Write a client program that uses the remote service

    The client part of the distributed Hello World example remotely invokes the sayHello method in order to get the string "Hello world!", which is output when the client runs. Here is the code for the client:

    import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
    import java.rmi.Naming;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;

    public class HelloClient
        public static void main(String arg[])
            String message = "blank";

            // I download server's stubs ==> must set a SecurityManager
            System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

               Hello obj = (Hello) Naming.lookup( "//" +
                    "lysander.cs.ucsb.edu" +
                    "/HelloServer");         //objectname in registry
            catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("HelloClient exception: " + e.getMessage());

  • Set the security manager, so that the client can download the stub code.
  • Get a reference to the remote object implementation (advertised as "HelloServer") from the server host's rmiregistry.
  • Invoke the remote sayHello method on the server's remote object
  • The constructed URL-string that is passed as a parameter to the Naming.lookup method must include the server's hostname.

    Compile & Deploy Class Files

    The source code for the Hello World example is now complete and the $HOME/mysrc/examples/hello directory has 3 files: When you use the javac and rmic compilers, specify where the resulting class files should reside.

    Compile the Java source files

    Make sure that the deployment directory $HOME/myclasses and the development directory $HOME/mysrc/examples/hello are each accessible through the local CLASSPATH on the development machine, before attempting to compile.

    To compile the Java source files, run the javac command as follows:

      javac -d $HOME/myclasses
              Hello.java HelloImpl.java HelloClient.java
    1. It creates the directory examples/hello (if it does not exist) in $HOME/myclasses.
    2. It then writes to that directory the files Hello.class, HelloImpl.class, and HelloClient.class.
    For an explanation of javac options, please refer to the Solaris javac manual page or the  Win32 javac manual page.

    Use rmic to generate skeletons and/or stubs

    The rmic command takes one or more class names as an argument and produces class files of the form MyImpl_Skel.class and MyImpl_Stub.class.

    For example, to create the stub and skeleton for the HelloImpl remote object implementation, run rmic like this:

      rmic HelloImpl
    1. HelloImpl_Stub.class
    2. HelloImpl_Skel.class

    Start the RMI registry, server, & client

    Start the RMI registry

    Note:  Before you start the rmiregistry, you must make sure that the shell or window in which you will run the registry, either has no CLASSPATH set or has a CLASSPATH that does not include the path to any classes that you want downloaded to your client, including the stubs for your remote object implementation classes.

    If you start the rmiregistry, and it can find your stub classes in its CLASSPATH, it will ignore the server's java.rmi.server.codebase property, and as a result, your client(s) will not be able to download the stub code for your remote object.

  • To start the registry on the server, execute the rmiregistry command.
  • This command produces no output and is typically run in the background.
  • For more on the rmiregistry, please refer to the Solaris rmiregistry  manual page or the  Win32 rmiregistry manual page.
  • For example, on Solaris:
    rmiregistry &
    For example, on Windows 95 or Windows NT:
    start rmiregistry

    Start the server

    1. For Solaris:



      java  HelloImpl &

    3. For Windows:



      java  HelloImpl

    Run the client

    Once the registry and server are running, the client can be run as follows:
    java HelloClient
    After running the client, you will see "Hello world!".