X Forwarding from CSIL Workstations

What is X Forwarding and why do we care?

The X Window System (commonly X or X11) is a computer software system and network protocol that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for networked computers. This means that you can run graphic applications remotely (and not only command line programs).

To achieve X Forwarding from the CSIL (Computer Science Instructional Lab) workstations you must own a CS account, an ssh client and an X Server program to handle the local display. In operating systems like Linux Ubuntu and Mac OS X this can be done with the default OS installation. :-)

Unix Based Systems

So, if you own a Unix Based System like Linux or Mac OS X all you have to do is connect to the remote workstation using the ssh command, adding the "-X" (uppercase x) flag. This tells to the remote workstation to forward any graphic output to your computer.

The command must be like this:

ssh -X username@hostname.cs.ucsb.edu

where <username> is your CS username and <hostname> can either be "csil" or any specific workstation name (e.g. "megatron", "homer", "calvin" etc).

Now you can run any application you want by giving the application's name in the command line (e.g. "matlab", "firefox"). The output will be directed in your monitor!

Windows Systems

If you own a Windows Operating System the most effective solution for you is to change OS. If by any chance you want something more complicate though, there is still a way:

Download the PuTTY ssh client from here: www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty

Download an X Server: www.starnet.com/products/xwin32

Configure XWin-32 (you must do this only once):

  1. Run XWin-32
  2. Choose the "Security" tab and click "Add..."
  3. Enter "localhost" and click "OK"
  4. Quit XWin-32


  1. Run XWin-32
  2. Run PuTTY
  3. In PuTTY, go to "Tunnels" from "Category" list and check the "Enable X11 Forwarding" option
  4. Go back to "Session". To connect to the CSIL workstations you will have to type in the Host Name field something like this:
    where <username> is your CS username and <hostname> can either be "csil" or any specific workstation name (e.g. "megatron", "homer", "calvin" etc). Then click "Open" (your password will be asked).

Note: You can always add the X11 Forwarding option in a saved session.

Now you can run any application you want by giving the application's name in the command line (e.g. "matlab", "firefox"). The output will be directed in your monitor!

Disclaimer: The above method for Windows is not tested by the author. In case you have any problem or there are changes in newer versions of the programs used (PuTTY and XWin-32) please contact me.

In any case, Google is always you friend.