>> ldltest LDL: factorization of a real sparse symmetric matrix. [L, D, Parent, fl] = ldl (A) [L, D, Parent, fl] = ldl (A, P) [x, fl] = ldl (A, [ ], b) [x, fl] = ldl (A, P, b) Let I = speye (size (A,1)). The factorization is (L+I)*D*(L+I)' = A or A(P,P). A must be sparse, square, and real. Only the diagonal and upper triangular part of A or A(P,P) are accessed. L is lower triangular with unit diagonal, but the diagonal is not returned. D is a diagonal sparse matrix. P is either a permutation of 1:n, or an empty vector, where n = size (A,1). If not present, or empty, then P=1:n is assumed. Parent is the elimination tree of A or A(P,P). If positive, fl is the floating point operation count, or negative if any entry on the diagonal of D is zero. In the x = ldl (A, P, b) usage, the LDL' factorization is not returned. Instead, the system A*x=b is solved for x, where both b and x are dense. If a zero entry on the diagonal of D is encountered, the LDL' factorization is terminated at that point. If there is no fl output argument, an error occurs. Otherwise, fl is negative, and let d=-fl. D(d,d) is the first zero entry on the diagonal of D. A partial factorization is returned. Let B = A, or A(P,P) if P is present. Let F = (L+I)*D*(L+I)'. Then F (1:d,1:d) = B (1:d,1:d). Rows d+1 to n of L and D are all zero. See also CHOL, LDLSYMBOL, SYMBFACT, ETREE LDL Version 1.0 (Dec. 31, 2003), Copyright (c) 2003 by Timothy A Davis, University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. See README for the License. err: 4.44089e-16 fl: 61 err: 4.44089e-16 err: 4.44089e-16 err: 0 err: 5.68989e-16 err: 5.68989e-16 fl: 123 err: 4.57967e-16 fl: 57 err: 4.57967e-16 err: 4.57967e-16 err: 0 err: 6.36644e-16 err: 6.36644e-16 fl: 119 ldl: all tests passed >> diary off