Thu 23 Sep:
Matrices and graphs. The Cholesky graph game.
Class slides.
Homework 0 assigned.
Tue 28 Sep:
Space and time complexity. Permutations and fill.
Class slides.
Reading assignment: GLN chapters 1 and 2 and
sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, and 4.2.
(Thu 30 Sep: CS barbecue, no class.)
(Sun 3 Oct: Homework 0 due, Homework 1 assigned.)
Tue 5 Oct:
Heuristics and approximations for min fill.
Nested dissection, minimum degree.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
GLN section 4.3 and chapter 7 (skip 7.2.3, 7.2.4, and 7.3.3).
Thu 7 Oct:
Data structures, matrix multiplication, more on fill heuristics.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
GLN sections 6.1 through 6.4.
Tue 12 Oct:
Elimination trees.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
GLN section 6.6
Thu 14 Oct:
Elimination trees.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
GLN sections 6.5 and 6.7
(Fri 15 Oct: Homework 1 due.)
(Sun 17 Oct: Homework 2 assigned.)
Tue 19 Oct: Symbolic factorization, row and column count prediction. Class slides.
Thu 21 Oct:
Directed graphs, sparse triangular solve.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
Course reader papers #1 and #3
Tue 26 Oct:
Nonsymmetric linear systems, pivoting.
Left-looking sparse LU factorization.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
Course reader paper #4, all of sections 1 through 4 except 2.3
Thu 28 Oct:
Symmetric pruning.
Supernodal methods.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
The rest of course reader paper #4
(Sun 31 Oct: Homework 2 due, Homework 3 assigned. Final project teams and titles due.)
Tue 2 Nov:
BLAS, supernodes, SuperLU.
Class slides.
Slides on matrix multiply and BLAS.
Reading assignment:
Course reader paper #5
Thu 4 Nov:
Column intersection graphs.
Ordering for LU with partial pivoting.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
Course reader paper #6
(Tue 9 Nov: Supercomputing 04, no class)
(Thu 11 Nov: Veterans' Day, no class)
Tue 16 Nov:
Column approximate minimum degree.
Class slides.
Reading assignment:
Course reader paper #6
Final project progress reports due.
Thu 18 Nov: Multifrontal methods: MUMPS, UMFPACK. Class slides.
(Sun 21 Nov: Homework 3 due.)
Tue 23 Nov: Static pivoting methods: SuperLU-dist. Class slides.
(Thu 25 Nov: Thanksgiving Day, no class)
Tue 30 Nov:
Strongly connected components and block triangular form.
Class slides.
on KLU.
Final project presentations.
Thu 2 Dec:
Dulmage-Mendelsohn theory.
Class slides.
Final project presentations.
Final project written reports due no later than Wed 8 Dec.