CS184 Final Projects


Design and implementation of a real-world Android application. The application should address a need for a particular user group. It has to be implemented on your Android phones or tablets. There can, but doesn't have to be, a server-side component as well.


Product idea

Domain analysis (user analysis, task analysis)



Final Implementation



We have briefly showcased and will discuss some example project topics in class. Please consult with the instructors early about your project idea, in order to ensure manageable scope.



  1. Wednesday, May 11th: submit project idea on GauchoSpace. You have to be part of a group proposal (4-5 students, in very exceptional cases fewer or more) OR submit an idea by yourself. The writeup should be maximally one page long, and should answer the questions "Who is your audience?" and "What problem do you solve?". Think about how people currently do things like you propose to be done with your app, and how your solution will improve things for your audience.

  2. Tuesday, June 7th, 4-7pm,
    Presentation during "Final Exam Slot": Product presentation - present the functionality and design process (15 minute team presentation including Q&A). 

  3. Thursday, June 9th, 11:59:59pm: Submit final project materials and documentation: