CS 10 - Fall 2008 - Assignment 1 |
Grader - Aleksandra Potapova |
Code |
Pts. out of 100 |
Grader comments |
1003 |
100 |
1006 |
100 |
1008 |
100 |
1009 |
0 |
did not turn in |
1012 |
90 |
Unable to compile due to misplaced package statements -
must remove before turning in |
1014 |
100 |
1018 |
100 |
1019 |
95 |
no student information form (part of step 4) - must submit
before assignment 2 |
1021 |
100 |
1024 |
80 |
java.lang.NullPointerException error appear after first
color set appears (C1, C5 not set) |
1025 |
55 |
Unable to compile ColorDemo due to extra tab characters;
FiveColorScale barely begun |
1026 |
100 |
1027 |
100 |
1029 |
100 |
1032 |
95 |
no student information form (part of step 4) - must submit
before assignment 2 |
1033 |
100 |
1034 |
100 |
1037 |
95 |
no student information form (part of step 4) - must submit
before assignment 2 |
1040 |
95 |
no student information form (part of step 4) - must submit
before assignment 2 |
1041 |
50 |
as discussed |
1042 |
100 |
1045 |
100 |
1048 |
40 |
did not turn in FiveColorScale.java |
1052 |
35 |
Unable to compile javac FiveColorScale; no student
information form (part of step 4) |
1054 |
100 |
1055 |
100 |
1056 |
100 |
1059 |
50 |
as discussed |
1060 |
5 |
did not turn in files, but completed info data form |
1063 |
100 |
1064 |
100 |
1066 |
100 |
1067 |
100 |
1068 |
0 |
did not turn in |
1069 |
100 |
1071 |
100 |
1073 |
100 |
1074 |
70 |
neither class written as specified by instructions |
1075 |
100 |
1077 |
100 |
1078 |
100 |
1079 |
100 |
1083 |
90 |
did not use turn-in program (most important part of step 4) |
1089 |
0 |
did not turn in |
1091 |
0 |
did not turn in |
1093 |
100 |
1094 |
95 |
no student information form (part of step 4) - must submit
before assignment 2 |
1096 |
80 |
java.lang.NullPointerException error appear after first
color set appears (first, last not set) |
1097 |
100 |
1098 |
90 |
did not use turn-in program (most important part of step 4) |