CS 10, Fall 2008
Assignment 1

Due: Wednesday, October 8, 9:00pm
Worth: 100 homework points

  1. Do Exercises P2.5 and P2.6 on page 76 of the text, with the following modifications:
  2. Write FiveColorScale.java as a class that represents a five-color scale, and with a public interface that matches our solution's FiveColorScale interface.
  3. Test the classes you wrote for parts 1 and 2 at CSIL.
    1. If you do not already have a College of Engineering user account, then sign up here now. Hopefully you are signing up well before the deadline, as your account will not be ready to use immediately. When it is ready, verify you can access it, and change your password as instructed!
    2. Download and install PuTTY, or SecureCRT (see the Resources page for links) or another secure shell program on your own computer if you have one. Then verify that you can log in to your account remotely. You may also use the CSIL lab (Harold Frank Hall 1138) itself.
    3. Create copies of the java classes from parts 1 (ColorDemo.java) and 2 (FiveColorScale.java and our FiveScaleTester.java), as well as CS10Display.class in your CSIL account. Then compile and execute them using the JDK tools at CSIL. Notice that CS10Display will just print the colors if you are not working in a shell with graphical abilities - don't worry about that (here are non-graphical runs we did at CSIL by remote access).
    4. Fix any errors before proceeding to the turn-in step.
  4. Complete this Student Information Form. Then turn in the two required files at once from your engineering account as follows:
    turnin hw1@cs10 ColorDemo.java FiveColorScale.java
    Late projects may not be accepted.

Updated 9/24/08 by C. Michael Costanzo