CS 10, Fall 2008
Assignment 3

Here is one more assignment about Color objects using the CS10Display class from assignment 1. This one applies the showGrid method to display an array of arrays of colors. Please download this fresh copy of CS10Display.class (or get a new copy from ~mikec/cs10/hw1/ at CSIL).

Part 1 creates a class that manages a color grid. Part 2 applies the class from part 1 by allowing a user to specify the size and colors of the grid. Skeleton files for each part are provided if you want to use them or parts of them, but you are not required to do so. Copies of these skeleton files and the tester class for part 1 are in ~mikec/cs10/hw3/ at CSIL.

Due: Wednesday, November 5, 9:00pm
Worth: 100 homework points

  1. Complete ColorGrid.java as specified in this ColorGrid interface.
  2. Complete the Java application named GridMaker.java as specified below to allow a user to create new grids of various sizes, affect the colors of individual cells or areas of the grid, and display the grid on request.
  3. Verify that your classes compile and execute (albeit without displays) at CSIL. Then turn them both in at once from your engineering account as follows:
    turnin hw3@cs10 ColorGrid.java GridMaker.java
    Late projects may not be accepted.

Updated 10/22/08 (CS10Display note 10/30/08) by C. Michael Costanzo