CS 10, Fall 2008
Learning Resources
Required textbook
- John
Wiley & Sons -
the publisher's page for the edition required this quarter.
- Horstmann's page - by the author,
includes sample programs for downloading, a "bug" list, frequently asked questions,
and many other useful items items (e.g., compiler help).
Reference books:
The text this quarter presents a "strategic subset" of the Java
API. This subset is sufficient to accomplish the requirements for CS 10 (and lots more), but
students who plan to do more Java programming after the course is over probably should
acquire a more complete reference. The bookstore has many good choices, and online selections abound.
Here is
a pair the instructor likes:
- Core Java, including
"Volume I: Fundamentals" and "Volume II: Advanced Features" - frequently updated
as Java evolves.
CSIL and some remote access tools
- Computer Science
Instructional Lab (CSIL) - Harold Frank Hall (formerly Engineering I), room 1138
- PuTTY - a free
Win32 Telnet/SSH Client (small with very basic features).
SecureCRT - a better SSH client (may require purchasing).
- WinSCP - a free, secure file transfer
Some other online resources:
- Getting Started with Linux -
Table of Contents from a tutorial by linux.org.
- Basic Linux commands -
part of the Website for Beginning Linux Users by ReallyLinux.com.
- IC - Instructional Computing laboratory.
- Java Standard Edition homepage,
where you can download the Java Development Kit (JDK), and related documentation by Sun Microsystems.
- On the "Java SE" download page, we recommend using the link labelled
"JDK 6 Update 2 ...
includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and
command-line development tools that are useful for developing applets and applications."
- Here are
installation notes for various operating systems. (Macintosh users are directed
to the Apple developer site -
but first check to see what your Mac already has installed.)
- The latest version is Java 1.6 (a.k.a. Java SE 6). At least version 1.5
(officially 5.0) is
required for CS 10 this quarter.
Java API Specification, also by Sun, gives explicit documentation for using the
classes that make up Java's Application Programmers Interface.
- The
"Hello World" Application, the first lesson of Sun's
online Java Tutorial (in case you can't wait to get started).
- Eclipse -
a multi-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
written in Java, and particularly suitable for large and/or complex Java projects.
Note: many IDEs are available. Although they are cool to use, they are more difficult
to learn than the standard development tools, and are mostly overkill for CS 10 projects.
Academic support services on campus:
(The following statement was provided on 3 Jan 2001 by Dennis L. Nord, Director, Counseling & Career Services;
Carol Hiles, Director, Campus Learning Assistance Service; and
Diane Glenn, Director Disabled Students Program.)
If you experience difficulty in this course for any reason, please
don't hesitate to consult with your instructor. In addition to the resources of the
department, a wide range of services is available to support you in
your efforts to meet the course requirements.
- Campus Learning Assistance Service: 893-3269. CLAS helps students
increase their mastery of course material through course-specific
tutoring and academic skills development. Check out our tutorial groups
and drop-in tutoring schedules posted on our web site:
www.clas.ucsb.edu. Sign up for services
at our main office, Building 477, 9-5 daily.
- Counseling & Career Services: (893-4411,
offers counseling for personal & career concerns, self-help information
and connections to off-campus mental health resources.
- Disabled Students Program: 893-2668;
DSP provides academic support services to eligible students with
temporary and permanent disabilities. Please inform the instructor
(Dr. Costanzo) if you require special classroom accommodations due to a
disability. You must register with DSP prior to receiving these
Engineering undergraduate students should visit their
Undergraduate Studies Office
for general counseling matters, including progress checks.