CS 12 - Fall 2008 - Assignment 1 |
Grader - David Johnson |
Code |
Pts. out of 100 |
Grader comments |
1201 |
20 |
runs - only menu works; did not submit student information |
1207 |
60 |
runs (2 warnings) - negative input broken, octal input
faulty; did not submit student information |
1209 |
60 |
Runs (5 warnings) only +integer → hex/octal/binary
works no hex/octal input or - input |
1210 |
100 |
Runs - good code |
1212 |
30 |
runs (1 warning). Menu broken .. other functions produce
seg faults - some useful code |
1213 |
20 |
runs - only menu works |
1218 |
10 |
doesn't compile (13 errors); partly done menu, input;
output completely wrong; no student info |
1226 |
5 |
doesn't compile (17 errors) - no useful code (5 points for
turning in correctly) |
1232 |
15 |
doesn't compile - missing quotes in code - but fair amount
of useful code |
1242 |
0 |
did not turn in |
1252 |
2 |
did not turn in, but did submit student information |
1267 |
60 |
Runs - menu input partly broken, converts binary but other
conversions not working properly |
1270 |
12 |
doesn't compile (10 errors) - some attempt at getInteger |
1271 |
95 |
Runs (1 warnings) ... code very long-winded |
1273 |
80 |
runs (hex input broken) |
1282 |
95 |
Runs (small bug if entering positive value after negative
... maintains negative state) |