CS 12, Fall 2008
Learning Resources
Text links
- Required:
Thomas A. Standish,
Data Structures, Algorithms & Software Principles in C,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1995.
- Required:
Brian W. Kernighan, and Dennis M. Ritchie,
The C Programming Language: Second Edition,
Prentice Hall P T R, 1988.
(Note: this link also leads to errata, authors' pages, a history of C, and
foreign language, audio, and braille versions of the book.)
- Optional:
Mansoor Sarwar, Robert Koretsky, and Aqeel Sarwar,
UNIX: The Textbook, Second Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, 2005.
UCSB Engineering/Computer Science technical support
UNIX/Linux resources
C information
Other online resources (useful for working outside CSIL):
SecureCRT - an SSH client (necessary to access
CSIL remotely) - download a 30-day trial version, and/or
explore the site to learn about student licenses.
- PuTTY - a free
Win32 Telnet/SSH Client (a free alternative to SecureCRT that is still under development).
Borland C++Builder Compiler package - free download site for Windows
command line version of a popular C++ (and thus C) compiler and related tools -
can be used to work on programming projects on your own PC, but all programs
turned in for CS 60 must be compatible with the
or g++
at CSIL.
- LCC-Win32 - another free compiler
system for Windows, actually an integrated development environment with editor, debugger,
and other tools.
- Cygwin - a Unix environment for Windows! Has many
GNU tools, including gcc and gdb, and an emulated bash shell. Lots to download, and the
setup may require some tweaking, but pretty cool all the same.
- MinGW
- "Minimalist GNU for Windows" includes gcc, gdb and other useful tools in a much smaller
package than Cygwin.
- emacs for Windows - even slicker
than most UNIX versions.
Academic support services on campus:
(The following statement was provided on 3 Jan 2001 by Dennis L. Nord, Director, Counseling & Career Services;
Carol Hiles, Director, Campus Learning Assistance Service; and
Diane Glenn, Director Disabled Students Program.)
If you experience difficulty in this course for any reason, please
don't hesitate to consult with your instructor. In addition to the resources of the
department, a wide range of services is available to support you in
your efforts to meet the course requirements.
- Campus Learning Assistance Service: 893-3269. CLAS helps students
increase their mastery of course material through course-specific
tutoring and academic skills development. Check out our tutorial groups
and drop-in tutoring schedules posted on our web site:
www.clas.ucsb.edu. Sign up for services
at our main office, Building 477, 9-5 daily.
- Counseling & Career Services: (893-4411,
offers counseling for personal & career concerns, self-help information
and connections to off-campus mental health resources.
- Disabled Students Program: 893-2668;
DSP provides academic support services to eligible students with
temporary and permanent disabilities. Please inform the instructor
(Dr. Costanzo) if you require special classroom accommodations due to a
disability. You must register with DSP prior to receiving these
Engineering undergraduate students should visit their
Undergraduate Studies Office
for general counseling matters, including progress checks.