CS 12, Fall 2008
Lecture Slides
- Week 0 - September 26 - Course introduction
(to view, to print)
- Week 1 - September 29, October 1, 3 - Refresher on C basics, and introduction to C pointers
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- Week 2 - October 6, 8, 10 - C pointers and structures
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- Week 3 - October 13, 15, 17 - More C features, and introduction to linked data structures
(to view, to print;
pointer video)
- Week 4 - October 20 (exam), 22, 24 - More linked data structures
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- Week 5 - October 27, 29, 31 - Abstract data types and C modules
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- Week 6 - November 3, 5, 7 - A bit more ADTs, recursion intro, algorithms and testing
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- Week 7 - November 10 (exam), 12, 14 - Algorithm analysis, and start stacks
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- Week 8 - November 17, 19, 21 - More stacks, queues, better lists, and start trees
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- Week 9 - November 24, 26 (cancel), 28 (holiday) - More trees
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- Week 10 - December 1, 3, 5 - Tables (hashing), searching and sorting
(to view, to print;
sorting programs)
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