CS 12 is a second course in C programming within a Unix environment. Instruction and programming assignments
focus on a selection of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Practice implementing and applying
these data structures and algorithms is required for the course.
Dr. C. Michael Costanzo, mikec@cs.ucsb.edu
Office hours: Monday 12-12:50 and Wednesday 9-9:50, Phelps 1409B (enter through 1413)
Teaching Assistant
David Johnson, davidj@cs.ucsb.edu
Office hours: Thursday 11am-1pm, Phelps 1413
Instruction Schedule
- Lectures - 3 per week - MWF 11-11:50, Bldg. 387 room 103
- Discussion - 1 per week - F 10-10:50, Phelps 1440
Required Texts
- Thomas A. Standish, Data Structures, Algorithms & Software Principles in C,
Addison-Wesley, 1995.
- Brian W. Kernighan, and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming
Language: Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.
Grading Policy
Course grades will be curved on the basis of the following distribution of
- 24 percent - homework (mostly programming) assignments
- 20 percent - first midterm exam - Monday, October 20 (unless announced otherwise)
- 20 percent - second midterm exam - Monday, November 10 (unless announced otherwise)
- 36 percent - final exam - Friday, December 12, 12:00-1:30pm (just 1.5 hours, not 3)
Course Outline and Required Reading
(Standish text unless noted; KR is Kernighan-Ritchie text)
- Review of key C constructs - KR chapters 1-4
- Focus on C pointers and structures - chapter 1, and KR chapters 5-7
- Introduction to linked data structures - chapter 2
- Abstract data types, and C modules - chapter 4 - note ch. 4 before 3
- Recursion - chapter 3
- Software life-cycle issues - sections 5.1-3, 5.5, 5.7-8
- Introduction to algorithm analysis - chapter 6, exc. section 6.5
- Stacks and queues - chapter 7
- Lists - sections 8.1-3 and 8.5, and pp. 319-21
- Trees - sections 9.1-7
- Tables - chapter 11, exc. pp. 476-88
- Searching and sorting - pp. 180-4 and 241-6, and sections 13.1-5
- The course's web pages
are mandatory reading. Students
are responsible for monitoring them throughout the quarter.
- Make-up exams can only be arranged at least 48 hours prior to the
exam, and only in extraordinary circumstances (which do not include having
other exams that day).
- Assignments must be completed, and correctly turned in on time for
full credit - no exceptions, no extensions, no excuses.
- IMPORTANT: All of the work you turn in for CS 12 must be your own,
personal work. The university's honor code
will be strictly enforced, and we will use an automated system to detect
plagiarism and collusion.