CS 20 - Summer 2009 - Project 2
Grader - Nan Li
Code Pts. out of 100 Grader comments (part1: 16 points; part2: 24 points; part3: 30 points; part4: 30 points)
2017 81 part2 -19: The program quit with a NullPointerException after the push command
2020 100
2031 100
2032 100
2033 56 part2 -19: Program didn't compile; part3 -25:. Program didn't compile
2034 95 part3 -5: exception when the length of the string is 1
2036 94 part2 -6: pop incorrect (pop from empty even stack returns odd and doesn't remove)
2037 100
2040 82 part2 -18: After push, the program entered into a dead loop (nothing was output)
2041 92 part3 -8: pal1 failed to give correct result for strings like such as "nbvn" and "nccgbccn"
2043 91 part1 -4: size is 1 for empty list; part4 -5: Power2 main changed inappropriately
2049 90 part3 -10: pal1 incorrect for strings like such as "nbvn", "nccgbccn" and "nyyiibbn"
2057 100
2060 60 part3 -15: exception for short string & pal1 wrong for some strings; part4 -25: wrong results
2062 82 part2 -18: both pop and peek are problematic
2077 95 part3 -5: exception when the length of the string is 1
2084 100
2088 95 part4 -5: The number of invocation of power in Power2 is always bigger than that of Power1
2094 22 part2 -18: after push, the program threw exception and quit; parts 3 and 4 -60: missing
2098 100
2099 95 part4 -5: The class in Power2.java is named wrong, thus causing compiler error