inserted dog inserted cat inserted fox pre-order: dog cat fox count is 3 depth of cat is 1 height is 1 inserted mule inserted giraffe inserted kangaroo inserted elephant inserted catfish inserted apple inserted bear inserted banana inserted acorn count is 12 height is 4 depth of bear is 3 pre-order: dog cat apple acorn bear banana catfish fox elephant mule giraffe kangaroo in-order: acorn apple banana bear cat catfish dog elephant fox giraffe kangaroo mule post-order: acorn banana bear apple catfish cat elephant kangaroo giraffe mule fox dog deleted catfish deleted elephant in-order: acorn apple banana bear cat dog fox giraffe kangaroo mule inserted elephant inserted catfish in-order: acorn apple banana bear cat catfish dog elephant fox giraffe kangaroo mule deleted cat count is 11 depth of bear is 1 height is 4 pre-order: dog bear apple acorn banana catfish fox elephant mule giraffe kangaroo in-order: acorn apple banana bear catfish dog elephant fox giraffe kangaroo mule post-order: acorn banana apple catfish bear elephant kangaroo giraffe mule fox dog deleted giraffe in-order: acorn apple banana bear catfish dog elephant fox kangaroo mule deleted mule in-order: acorn apple banana bear catfish dog elephant fox kangaroo tree contains apple tree contains catfish tree contains bear tree contains dog tree contains kangaroo tree contains banana no insert: apple no insert: dog no insert: kangaroo tree does not contain cat no depth: giraffe no delete: mule cleared tree count is 0 height is -1 pre-order: in-order: post-order: tree does not contain dog no depth: dog no delete: dog bad command: weight incomplete command: contains incomplete command: depth incomplete command: delete incomplete command: insert incomplete command: print