// FILE: node1.cxx
// IMPLEMENTS: The functions of the node class and the
// linked list toolkit (see node1.h for documentation).
// INVARIANT for the node class:
//   The data of a node is stored in data_field, and the link in link_field.

#include "node1.h"
#include <cassert>    // Provides assert
#include <cstdlib>    // Provides NULL and size_t

namespace main_savitch_5
    size_t list_length(const node* head_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        const node *cursor;
        size_t answer;

        answer = 0;
        for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link( ))
        return answer;
    void list_head_insert(node*& head_ptr, const node::value_type& entry)
        head_ptr = new node(entry, head_ptr);

    void list_insert(node* previous_ptr, const node::value_type& entry) 
        node *insert_ptr;
        insert_ptr = new node(entry, previous_ptr->link( ));

    node* list_search(node* head_ptr, const node::value_type& target) 
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        node *cursor;
        for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link( ))
            if (target == cursor->data( ))
                return cursor;
        return NULL;

    const node* list_search(const node* head_ptr, const node::value_type& target) 
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        const node *cursor;
        for (cursor = head_ptr; cursor != NULL; cursor = cursor->link( ))
            if (target == cursor->data( ))
            return cursor;
        return NULL;

    node* list_locate(node* head_ptr, size_t position) 
    // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
        node *cursor;
        size_t i;
        assert (0 < position);
        cursor = head_ptr;
        for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != NULL); i++)
            cursor = cursor->link( );
        return cursor;

    const node* list_locate(const node* head_ptr, size_t position) 
    // Library facilities used: cassert, cstdlib
        const node *cursor;
        size_t i;
        assert (0 < position);
        cursor = head_ptr;
        for (i = 1; (i < position) && (cursor != NULL); i++)
            cursor = cursor->link( );
        return cursor;

    void list_head_remove(node*& head_ptr)
        node *remove_ptr;

        remove_ptr = head_ptr;
        head_ptr = head_ptr->link( );
        delete remove_ptr;

    void list_remove(node* previous_ptr)
        node *remove_ptr;

        remove_ptr = previous_ptr->link( );
        previous_ptr->set_link( remove_ptr->link( ) );
        delete remove_ptr;

    void list_clear(node*& head_ptr)
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        while (head_ptr != NULL)

    void list_copy(const node* source_ptr, node*& head_ptr, node*& tail_ptr) 
    // Library facilities used: cstdlib
        head_ptr = NULL;
        tail_ptr = NULL;

        // Handle the case of the empty list.
        if (source_ptr == NULL)
        // Make the head node for the newly created list, and put data in it.
        list_head_insert(head_ptr, source_ptr->data( ));
        tail_ptr = head_ptr;
        // Copy the rest of the nodes one at a time, adding at the tail of new list.
        source_ptr = source_ptr->link( ); 
        while (source_ptr != NULL)
            list_insert(tail_ptr, source_ptr->data( ));
            tail_ptr = tail_ptr->link( );
            source_ptr = source_ptr->link( );