CS 24, Fall 2016
Programming Assignment 6
Due: Tuesday, November 29, 11:59pm
Worth: 100 points
PA6 can be done either in two-people teams or individually.
If you are working with a partner, be sure that both partners' names are in a comment
at the top of the source code file, and that you properly form a group for this project
in the submit.cs system.
Copies of express.h and expresstest.cpp either can be downloaded from the links below, or you can
access them from your CSIL account by copying both files from the directory named
~cs24/pa6/ of the class account.
- Implement class ExpressionTree as it is defined in express.h.
Your implementation must be in a new file that you create named
- This is a variation of Programming Project 1, pp. 534-535 of the textbook. Read
the instructions (and hints) presented there. This variation adds three print
methods to the problem presented in the text.
- Implement each of the member functions (including both constructors, the
destructor and the assignment operator) of class ExpressionTest.
- Be sure to #include "express.h" and remember to type your name(s) and the date
in the comment at the start.
- The print functions must show the expression parts (numbers and operators and parentheses)
separated by one space from each other, and there must be one blank space at the end of each
printed expression. Print to cout.
- Function printPre must print the expression in prefix notation, and printPost
must print it in postfix notation. Function printIn must print parentheses surrounding
each addition operation, but multiplication operations must not be parenthesized, and
of course this function must print the expression in infix notation.
- Compile and test your programs at CSIL. You may use
expresstest.cpp for that purpose. The program will run
one of nine tests, and here are sample results
from our solution, showing each of the nine tests being run.
- Submit express.cpp for project PA6
at https://submit.cs.ucsb.edu/, or
use the following command from a CS terminal:
~submit/submit -p 602 express.cpp
Be sure to wait for the results of all nine tests.
If you score 100/100 and you've followed all of the other rules, then you'll earn full credit.
Updated 11/17/2016, by C. Michael Costanzo.
Special thanks to Michael Main, University of Colorado, creator of many parts of this project.