Files Stack Static StackType.h Specification file for StackType of ItemType StackType.cpp Implementation file for StackType StackDr.cpp Stack driver ItemType.h ItemType is int; max is 5 Input to the driver DynamicArray StackType.h Specification file for StackType of ItemType StackType.cpp Implementation file for StackType StackDr.cpp Stack driver ItemType.h ItemType is char; max is Input to the driver Linked StackType.h Specification file for StackType of ItemType StackType.cpp Implementation file for StackType StackDr.cpp Stack driver Input to the driver Queue DynamicArray QueType.h Specification for QueType (ItemType is char) QueType.cpp Implementation for QueType QueDr.cpp Test driver for QueType Input to test driver CQue CountedQueType.h Specification file for CountedQueType CountedQueType.cpp Implementation file for CountedQueType CQueDr.cpp Test driver for CountedQueType QueType.h Specification file for QueType of ItemType QueType.cpp Implementation file for QueType Input to test driver Balanced Balanced.cpp The application program using the StackType StackType.h Specification for StackType StackType.cpp Implementation for Stacktype ItemType.h Itemtype is char; max is 5 Palendrome ItemType.h ItemType is char; max is 5 Palindrom.cpp Application StackType.h Specification file for StackType of ItemType StackType.cpp Implementation file for StackType QueType.h Specification file for QueType of ItemType QueType.cpp Implementation file for QueType Solitaire CountedStack.h Specification file for CountedStack CountedStack.cpp Implementation file for CountedStack Deck.h Specification file for Deck Deck.cpp Implementation file for Deck ItemType.h Specification file of Card ItemType.cpp Implementation file for Card