// File ItemType.h must be provided by the user of this class. // ItemType.h must contain the following definitions: // MAX_ITEMS: the maximum number of items on the list // ItemType: the definition of the objects on the list // RelationType: {LESS, GREATER, EQUAL} // Member function ComparedTo(ItemType item) which returns // LESS, if self "comes before" item // GREATER, if self "comes after" item // EQUAL, if self and item are the same #include "ItemType.h" class UnsortedType { public: UnsortedType(); // Constructor void MakeEmpty(); // Function: Returns the list to the empty state. // Post: List is empty. bool IsFull() const; // Function: Determines whether list is full. // Pre: List has been initialized. // Post: Function value = (list is full) int GetLength() const; // Function: Determines the number of elements in list. // Pre: List has been initialized. // Post: Function value = number of elements in list ItemType GetItem(ItemType, bool&); // Function: Retrieves list element whose key matches item's key (if // present). // Pre: List has been initialized. // Key member of item is initialized. // Post: If there is an element someItem whose key matches // item's key, then found = true and someItem is returned. // otherwise found = false and item is returned. // List is unchanged. void PutItem(ItemType item); // Function: Adds item to list. // Pre: List has been initialized. // List is not full. // item is not in list. // Post: item is in list. void DeleteItem(ItemType item); // Function: Deletes the element whose key matches item's key. // Pre: List has been initialized. // Key member of item is initialized. // One and only one element in list has a key matching item's key. // Post: No element in list has a key matching item's key. void ResetList(); // Function: Initializes current position for an iteration through the list. // Pre: List has been initialized. // Post: Current position is prior to list. ItemType GetNextItem(); // Function: Gets the next element in list. // Pre: List has been initialized and has not been changed since last call. // Current position is defined. // Element at current position is not last in list. // // Post: Current position is updated to next position. // item is a copy of element at current position. private: int length; ItemType info[MAX_ITEMS]; int currentPos; };