// Test driver #include #include #include "StackType.h" using namespace std; int main() { ifstream inFile; // file containing operations ofstream outFile; // file containing output string inFileName; // input file external name string outFileName; // output file external name string outputLabel; string command; // operation to be executed int item; StackType stack; int numCommands; // Prompt for file names, read file names, and prepare files cout << "Enter name of input command file; press return." << endl; cin >> inFileName; inFile.open(inFileName.c_str()); cout << "Enter name of output file; press return." << endl; cin >> outFileName; outFile.open(outFileName.c_str()); cout << "Enter name of test run; press return." << endl; cin >> outputLabel; outFile << outputLabel << endl; inFile >> command; numCommands = 0; while (command != "Quit") { try { if (command == "Push") { inFile >> item; stack.Push(item); } else if (command == "Pop") stack.Pop(); else if (command == "Top") { item = stack.Top(); outFile<< "Top element is " << item << endl; } else if (command == "IsEmpty") if (stack.IsEmpty()) outFile << "Stack is empty." << endl; else outFile << "Stack is not empty." << endl; else if (command == "IsFull") if (stack.IsFull()) outFile << "Stack is full." << endl; else outFile << "Stack is not full." << endl; else outFile << command << " not found" << endl; } catch (FullStack) { outFile << "FullStack exception thrown." << endl; } catch (EmptyStack) { outFile << "EmtpyStack exception thrown." << endl; } numCommands++; cout << " Command number " << numCommands << " completed." << endl; inFile >> command; }; cout << "Testing completed." << endl; inFile.close(); outFile.close(); return 0; }