// Test driver #include #include #include #include #include #include "TreeType.h" using namespace std; int main() { ifstream inFile; // file containing operations ofstream outFile; // file containing output string inFileName; // input file external name string outFileName; // output file external name string outputLabel; string command; // operation to be executed char item; string orderItem; TreeType tree; OrderType order; bool found; bool finished; int numCommands; // Prompt for file names, read file names, and prepare files cout << "Enter name of input command file; press return." << endl; cin >> inFileName; inFile.open(inFileName.c_str()); cout << "Enter name of output file; press return." << endl; cin >> outFileName; outFile.open(outFileName.c_str()); cout << "Enter name of test run; press return." << endl; cin >> outputLabel; outFile << outputLabel << endl; inFile >> command; numCommands = 0; while (command != "Quit") { cout << command; if (command == "PutItem") { inFile >> item; tree.PutItem(item); outFile << item; outFile << " is inserted" << endl; } else if (command == "DeleteItem") { inFile >> item; tree.DeleteItem(item); outFile << item; outFile << " is deleted" << endl; } else if (command == "GetItem") { inFile >> item; item = tree.GetItem(item, found); if (found) outFile << item << " found in list." << endl; else outFile << item << " not in list." << endl; } else if (command == "GetLength") outFile << "Number of nodes is " << tree.GetLength() << endl; else if (command == "IsEmpty") if (tree.IsEmpty()) outFile << "Tree is empty." << endl; else outFile << "Tree is not empty." << endl; else if (command == "PrintTree") { tree.Print(outFile); outFile << endl; } else if (command == "ResetTree") { inFile >> orderItem; if (orderItem == "PRE_ORDER") order = PRE_ORDER; else if (orderItem == "IN_ORDER") order = IN_ORDER; else order = POST_ORDER; tree.ResetTree(order); } else if (command == "GetNextItem") { inFile >> orderItem; if (orderItem == "PRE_ORDER") order = PRE_ORDER; else if (orderItem == "IN_ORDER") order = IN_ORDER; else order = POST_ORDER; item = tree.GetNextItem(order,finished); outFile << "Next item is: " << item << endl; if (finished) outFile << orderItem << " traversal is complete." << endl; } else if (command == "IsFull") if (tree.IsFull()) outFile << "Tree is full." << endl; else outFile << "Tree is not full." << endl; else if (command == "MakeEmpty") { tree.MakeEmpty(); outFile << "Tree has been made empty." << endl; } else cout << " Command not recognized." << endl; numCommands++; cout << " Command is completed." << endl; inFile >> command; } cout << "Testing completed." << endl; inFile.close(); outFile.close(); return 0; }