Your primary responsibility as a group during the first week is to select a project to work on for the rest of the quarter. The schedule allows no time to waste on this task, and so we insist that you complete it by the time of the lecture on Wednesday, April 11.
Group ID codes will be assigned as soon as possible. Be sure to type this ID code at the top of your report.
In responding to question 1 (What ... accomplished ...), you must include all of the following items:
If you have accomplished anything beyond selecting a project, then let us know about that progress too. Mostly we expect that your question 2 answer ("To-Do") will be more detailed than your accomplishments for this first report though.
Turn in your written report to Gauchospace. Just one group member needs to do so.
One final reminder from the general instructions: practice your presentation to insure it will be completed in the allowed 3-5 minutes.