CS 50, Winter 2010

Assignment 6
Final project

For this assignment you must complete at least one more full development iteration that results in a final system which is a significant improvement over the system turned in for assignment 4. Additionally, you must update (some of) the documentation you produced for assignments 2 and 3, and we expect the updates will be more complete and sophisticated than the early drafts.

Work scope

Deliverables - All must be done by 5:00pm, Friday, March 12

  1. Demonstrate the final system to your TA. Schedule an appointment with her first.
  2. Turn in printed documentation, neatly bound or stapled (or as a single PDF file), as instructed by your TA.
    Include the following items in the order shown - any specific artifacts listed below are required - and add sufficient text to tie the parts together (i.e., make it seem like a final report).
    Special note: we will keep this documentation for our records. Make your own copies before turning it in.
  3. Turn in the source code and an executable jar file - including any required data, graphics, or other files necessary to execute the system. These files must be physically arranged as specifed in the assignment 4 instructions (item 5), including an up-to-date README.txt file. The updated URL where your javadocs are posted should be included in README.txt too.

Updated February 19, 2010, by C. Michael Costanzo
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