CS 5JA - Winter 2009 - Assignment 4 |
Grader - Esra Kucukoguz |
Code |
Pts. out of 100 |
Grader comments (Note: "CE" means compile error) |
501 |
100 |
502 |
60 |
part2: incomplete |
503 |
5 |
part1& part2: wrong programs |
504 |
47 |
part1: no double to int casting, misuse of scanner, part2:
incomplete, no input check |
506 |
50 |
part1: empty file |
508 |
0 |
did not turn in |
509 |
95 |
part1: radius of smallest oval is not equal to gap between
2 ovals for large n=50 |
511 |
70 |
part1: wrong calculations / wrong drawing [cmc: (7/8) as
discussed] |
512 |
27 |
part1: CE, part2: triangles should be next to each other!
No String input check |
513 |
93 |
part1: radiusof smallest oval != gap betwn 2 ovals, part2:
does not get first char of string |
515 |
47 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: empty file |
516 |
100 |
518 |
95 |
part1: outermost oval is forgotten. |
519 |
90 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2:no input checking |
521 |
60 |
part1: not centered for large n=50, part2: incomplete -
wrong symbol printing |
523 |
69 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2:triangles should be
next to each other! No string input check |
524 |
0 |
did not turn in |
525 |
30 |
part1: ovals intersect + not centered, part2: CE |
526 |
55 |
part2: CE |
527 |
5 |
part1: CE, part2: empty file |
529 |
10 |
part1: wrong calculations / wrong drawing [cmc: /8 as
discussed] |
530 |
5 |
part1: CE, part2: CE |
531 |
95 |
part1: radius of smallest oval is not equal to gap between
2 ovals for large n=50 |
532 |
0 |
did not turn in |
533 |
100 |
534 |
60 |
part1: program does not match the hw description |
535 |
100 |
538 |
77 |
part1: no oval drawing + no double to int casting, part2:
fixed input |
539 |
10 |
part1: program doesn't match the hw description, part2:
empty file |
540 |
100 |
541 |
100 |
542 |
0 |
did not turn in |
543 |
97 |
part1: no double to int casting |
544 |
55 |
part2: CE |
545 |
82 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: last tri. is
incorrect, requires int for the ch, no input check |
546 |
59 |
part1: no doubletoint cast-gapbetweenovals arenot equal,
part2:wrong shape! no str. inp. Check |
548 |
85 |
part1: division by zero exception, mostly correct. |
549 |
77 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: half-wrong shape |
550 |
100 |
552 |
100 |
553 |
0 |
did not turn in |
554 |
5 |
part1: program doesn't match hw description, part2:
incomplete |
558 |
30 |
part1: CE, part2: not complete + triangles should be next
to each other! |
559 |
100 |
560 |
100 |
561 |
95 |
part1: outermost oval is forgotten. |
562 |
0 |
did not turn in |
563 |
25 |
part1: incomplete, part2: no input check, wrong shape!,
doesn't get the 1st ch of a string. |
564 |
100 |
565 |
95 |
part1: radius of smallest oval is not equal to gap between
2 ovals for large n=50 |
566 |
55 |
part2: CE |
567 |
5 |
part1: CE, part2: empty file |
569 |
100 |
570 |
20 |
part1: CE, part2: CE |
571 |
10 |
part1: CE, part2: CE |
572 |
33 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: wrong shape, no
input checking [cmc: /2 as discussed] |
573 |
82 |
part1: division by zero exception + no double to int
casting, part2: no input checking |
574 |
100 |
576 |
15 |
part1: CE, part2: CE |
578 |
0 |
did not turn in |
579 |
50 |
[cmc: /2 as discussed] |
580 |
80 |
part1: wrong shape->radius of the smallest oval is
calculated wrng, part2: CE(missing paranth.) |
581 |
0 |
did not turn in |
582 |
0 |
did not turn in |
584 |
100 |
587 |
50 |
[cmc: /2 as discussed] |
588 |
0 |
did not turn in |
589 |
0 |
did not turn in |
590 |
97 |
part1: no double to int casting |
591 |
0 |
did not turn in |
592 |
92 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: no input checking |
593 |
57 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2:only 1 triangle, no
input checking |
594 |
25 |
part1: CE, but correct alg, part2: CE |
595 |
70 |
part1: ovals intersect + not centered |
596 |
57 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: no input checking,
incomplete |
598 |
0 |
did not turn in |
599 |
33 |
part1: no double to int casting, part2: wrong shape, no
input checking [cmc: /2 as discussed] |