Course Syllabus
Computer Science 5JA
Winter 2009
Introduction to Computer Programming
Course Description
CS 5JA introduces all of the standard issues and techniques normally covered by
a first course in computer programming, including: algorithms, data and control
structures, testing/debugging, program design, documentation, and structured
programming. Some object-oriented programming topics are covered to properly
introduce Java language features.
None. Not open for credit to students who have completed CS 5MA, CS 5NM, CS 10 or
Engineering 3.
Course Goals
- Students learn fundamental principles and concepts of computers and
programming, including structured and object-oriented programming techniques.
- Students learn to write Java applications and applets, and practice by
implementing and testing simple programs.
Dr. C. Michael Costanzo,
Office hours - by appointment only. Best times and place are Monday and Wednesday,
10:00-10:50, in or around HSSB 1203
(LSIT Computer lab).
Teaching Assistants
Ceren Budak,;
office hours - Wednesday, 2:00-4:00, in Phelps 1413
Esra Kucukoguz,;
office hours - Monday, 2:00-4:00, in Phelps 1413
Instruction Schedule
- Lectures - 3 per week - MWF 9-9:50, HSSB 1173
- Discussion - 1 per week - either F 1-1:50, Girvetz 1115 or
F 2-2:50, Girvetz 1116
Grading Policy
Course grades will be curved on the basis of the following distribution of
- 30 percent - homework assignments (mostly programming projects)
- 40 percent - 2 midterm exams (20 percent each)
- Wednesday, January 28 (unless announced otherwise)
- Friday, February 20 (unless announced otherwise)
- 30 percent - final exam - Thursday, March 19, 9:00-10:30 am.
Note the duration is 1.5 hours, contrary to the Schedule of Classes -
exam begins at 9:00 and ends at 10:30.
Required Text
Deitel, H.M. and Deitel, P.J. Small Java How to Program: Sixth Edition,
Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.
Course Outline - and required reading (mostly chapters from the textbook)
- Introduction to computers, programming, and Java - Chapters 1 and 2
- Data types, memory concepts, and operators - Chapter 3 and Appendices A-D
- Selection and iteration structures - Chapters 4 and 5, and Appendix I
- Graphical programming - Supplemental reading TBA
- Writing and using methods - Chapter 6 and Appendix G
- Arrays and other collections - Chapter 7, and supplemental reading TBA
- Designing classes and using objects - Chapter 8
- Special Java topics as time permits - TBA
- The course's web pages
are mandatory reading. Students are responsible for monitoring them
throughout the quarter.
- Make-up exams can only be arranged at least 48 hours prior to the
exam, and only in extraordinary circumstances (which do not include having
other exams that day).
- Assignments must be completed, and correctly turned in on time for
full credit - no exceptions, no extensions, no excuses.
- IMPORTANT: All of the work you turn in for CS 5JA must be your own,
personal work. The university's honor code
will be strictly enforced, and we may use an automated system to detect
plagiarism and collusion.