CS 60 - Fall 2009 - Assignment 4
Graders - David Johnson and Neer Shay
Code Pts. out of 100 Grader: comments
6001 100 David: perfect
6003 100 David: perfect
6005 92 Neer: finder wrong vals (-5), array: wrng (-1), fill fct shifted 1 (-2)
6008 90 David: complex.cpp didn't compile dur to no matching constructors [-10]
6009 75 David: array allocate & rel use reference **&p[-5] , int add[-5], copy[-5], complex copy[-5], add[-5]
6010 82 Neer: compile errors (-3), complex: bad declaration/implementation of cstrs (-15)
6011 100 Neer: perfect
6014 0 did not turn in
6015 0 did not turn in
6016 19 Neer: finder: wrng(-1), no array (-20), no int (-30), no complex (-30)
6018 65 David: Int: incorrect funcs with invalid use of new [-15], complex: all fcts non-member + incorrect[-20]
6019 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6020 71 Neer: int: getData() (-5), cpy ctr in int.cpp (-2) cplx: access fcts, not enough ctrs (-15), compile (-7)
6023 100 David: perfect
6024 100 David: perfect
6025 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6027 98 Neer: array: release - need to delete ptr after iteration (-2)
6029 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6030 95 Neer: finder: wrng(-1), array: release should iterate on delete (-4)
6031 98 David: array fill function (result shifted by 1) (-2)
6032 100 David: perfect
6035 98 Neer: array: release (-2) need to iterate and release each column of each row
6037 100 David: perfect
6038 100 David: perfect
6040 100 David: perfect
6041 89 Neer: compile errors (-5), finder: wrngs (-2), complex: no copy ctr (-4)
6042 92 Neer: int: no destructor (-4), complex: no destructor (-4)
6043 83 Neer: array: release (-2) cmplx.h: no convert cstr (-5), compile errors (-10)
6045 96 Neer: complex: no convert cstr (-4)
6046 100 Neer: perfect
6047 100 David: perfect
6048 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6051 100 Neer: perfect
6052 70 David: Int: extra convertor(-5), copy (-5), add(-5). complex: add(-5) display (-5) missing getval (-5)
6054 100 David: perfect
6055 100 Neer: perfect
6059 100 David: perfect
6061 100 David: perfect
6063 83 Neer: complex: compile errors (-2), can't compile testcomplex b/c bad impltn, missing cstrs (-15)
6067 99 Neer: finder compile warning (-1)
6068 80 Neer: compile errors(-10), array: fill (-5), complex: bad impltn (-5)
6071 33 Neer: finder: need references (-5), array: rel(-2), no int (-30), no complex (-30)
6072 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6074 100 Neer: perfect
6075 77 Neer: finder: wrng(-1), array: bad allocate(-5) int: wrng(-2) complex: compile (-5), bad impltn (-10)
6076 95 Neer: array: release not implemented (-5)
6078 71 Neer: compile errors(-5), int.cpp bad impltn (-10), complex: no cnvrt cstr (-4), comp.cpp bad (-10)
6079 86 Neer: complex: cmpile errors(-4), bad use of getData in add (-10)
6081 100 Neer: perfect
6086 82 Neer: compile errors (-6), complex.cpp: missing implementation of cstrs, fcts (-12)
6087 100 David: perfect
6088 100 David: perfect
6089 96 Neer: complex: missing convert constructor (-4)
6091 94 Neer: compile warning finder (-1), array: no release (-5)
6092 100 David: perfect
6093 99 David: 1 compile warning for finder(-1)
6094 100 David: perfect
6096 87 Neer: array: allocate use **&p (-3), no display/release(-10)
6098 100 David: perfect
6099 37 David: array: allocate use **&p (-3), int.c(-15) int.h(-15) complex.h(-15) complex.cpp(-15) missing