Computer Science 8
Learning Resources
Required textbook
- Jones and Barlett -
the publisher's website.
- pythonworks page -
has updates, corrections and other items (including the cImage module used in this course
- only necessary if you plan to do assignments on your own computer). A zip file with
all of the textbook's example programs can be downloaded from this site too.
Pair programming
UCSB Engineering/Computer Science technical support
A Linux resource, and some remote access tools
- Linux reference -
official Red Hat Linux reference guide.
- PuTTY - a free
Win32 Telnet/SSH Client (small with very basic features).
SecureCRT - a better SSH client (may require purchasing).
- WinSCP - a free, secure file transfer
- Note:
are already installed for Linux (including Mac OS X) users.
Python/IDLE stuff
- Official Python Website - links to all important Python materials,
including documentation, downloads and related instructions. If you plan to install Python
on your own computer (a really good idea),
then be sure to download release 3.0 or newer - as of April 2017,
the latest is release 3.6.1.
- Main Python 3 Documents Page - includes links to a
tutorial and other reference materials.
- The Python Standard Library -
Release 3.4, describes the many, many ready-to-use standard components.
- Official IDLE reference - some
explanation of the IDLE menu items (but not much more).
- History of Python - wikipedia page
(so beware inaccuracies).
- - a local copy of the image module used in Chapter 6
Academic support services on campus:
Engineering undergraduate students should visit their
Undergraduate Studies Office
for general counseling matters, including progress checks.