Other Reports

Many of these documents were produced by teams of professionals. Dr. Costanzo's role varied, from project manager to analyst and programmer. His roles in a number of these projects are listed here.

Naval Air Station Fallon Economic Impact Assessment. Brochure and Technical Report, prepared for NAS Fallon, with TEC Inc. Nevada, June 2010.

Naval Air Station Lemoore Economic Impact. Brochure and Technical Report, prepared for NAS Lemoore Public Affairs Office, with TEC Inc. Lemoore, California, July 2009.

The 2007 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2007.

The 2007 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2007.

The 2006 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2006.

The 2006 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2006.

The 2005 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2005.

The 2005 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2005.

The 2004 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2004.

The 2004 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2004.

The 2004 Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, The California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, October 2003.

The 2003 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2003.

The 2003 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2003.

The 2003 Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, The California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, October 2002.

The 2002 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2002.

The 2002 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2002.

The 2002 Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, September 2001.

The 2001 Santa Clarita Valley Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, March 2001.

The 2001 Santa Barbara County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2001.

The 2001 Ventura County Real Estate & Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp and Oliver Strauss, California Economic Forecast. Santa Barbara, California, February 2001.

"A Quarterly Report on the Southern California Economy" in The County Economic Review for California. With Mark Schniepp, California Economic Forecast for Caltrans Office of Transportation Economics. Santa Barbara, California, August 2000.

Long Term Economic Forecast for California Counties: 2000-2020. With California Economic Forecast and Booz-Allen & Hamilton for Caltrans Office of Transportation Economics. San Francisco, California, September 2000.

Real Estate & Economic Forecast: Ventura County 2000. With Mark Schniepp, and The Center for Regional Economic Research in California. Santa Barbara, California, February 2000.

Santa Ynez Valley Economic Outlook 2000. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, December 1999.

2000 San Luis Obispo County Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, November 1999.

2000 Goleta Valley Economic Outlook. with Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, September 1999.

Carpinteria Valley Economic Profile. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, May 1999.

Northern Santa Barbara County Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, May 1999.

The 1999 Santa Barbara County Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, April 1999.

The 1999 Ventura County Economic Outlook. With Mark Schniepp, UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, February 1999.

Defense Downsizing and Emerging Industries, Santa Barbara County. Prepared for County Economic Development Office, with Mark Schniepp, Economic Forecast Project. Santa Barbara, California, January 1999.

"Assistive Devices and Services for the Disabled: Auditory Signage and The Accessible City for Blind or Vision Impaired Travelers." California PATH Working Paper, UCB-ITS-PWP-98-18, with R.G. Golledge and J.R. Marston. Santa Barbara, California, August 1998.

Estimating Visitor Demand for the Pacific Ag Expo. Prepared for Pacific Ag Expo, with UCSB Economic Forecast Project. Oxnard, California, June 1997.

Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Study for the Disposal and Reuse of McClellan Air Force Base, California. U.S. Department of the Air Force, with Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., Sacramento, CA, April 1997.

"The Mass Transit Needs of a Non-Driving Disabled Population." California PATH Research Report UCB-ITS-PRR-96-9, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, with R.G. Golledge and J.R. Marston, Berkeley, California, April 1996.

"Public Transit Use by Non-Driving Disabled Persons: the Case of the Blind and Vision Impaired." Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, with R.G. Golledge and J.R. Marston, Berkeley, California, January 1996.

Economic Impacts of the Clearview Project: Santa Barbara County. Mobil Exploration & Producing, Inc. with UCSB Economic Forecast Project, Santa Barbara, California, April 1995.

Family Housing Market Analysis for MCB Camp Pendleton, CA. U.S. Navy. November 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis for MCB Twenty-nine Palms, CA. U.S. Navy. November 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis for Andrews AFB, MD. U.S. Air Force. October 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis for Bolling AFB, DC. U.S. Air Force. October 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis for Altus AFB, OK. U.S. Air Force. August 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Eielson AFB, AK. U.S. Department of the Air Force. June, 1993.

Economic Analysis: Construction of Replacement Military Family Housing, Bayview Hills and Cabrillo Heights. Western Division, NAVFACENGCOM. April 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis, McChord AFB, WA. U.S. Department of the Air Force. March, 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Peterson AFB, CO. U.S. Department of the Air Force. February, 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Vandenberg AFB, CA. U.S. Department of the Air Force. February, 1993.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Elmendorf AFB, AK. U.S. Department of the Air Force. July, 1992.

Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Study, Mather AFB, CA. U.S. Department of the Air Force. Washington, DC. May 1992.

Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Study, George AFB, CA. U.S. Department of the Air Force. Washington, DC. March 1992.

Southeast Alaska Sport Fishing Economic Study. Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division. April 1991.

Chanute AFB Socioeconomic Impact Analysis Study, Rantoul, IL. U.S. Department of the Air Force. Washington, DC. December 1991.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Castle AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for HQ SAC/DEH, Offutt AFB, NE. September 1990.

Family Housing Market Analysis, March AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for HQ SAC/DEH, Offutt AFB, NE. December 1989.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Beale AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for HQ SAC/DEH, Offutt AFB, NE. December 1989.

Family Housing Market Analysis, Onizuka AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for USAF Space Command, Peterson AFB, CO. November 1989.

"Impacts of Outer Continental Shelf Development on Recreation and Tourism" (with J. Merchant and C. Parliament), Proceedings: Pacific OCS Region Information Transfer Conference (1987), 43-46.

Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Economic Study. Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division. October 1987.

Juneau Area Sport Fishing Economic Study. Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc., Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division. October 1987.

Economic Analysis for Enhanced Bowling Facilities at March AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP, Offutt AFB, NE. September 1987.

Feasibility Analysis of Rental Guaranteed Private Sector Development of New Military Family Housing at Loring AFB, ME. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP, Offutt AFB, NE. August 1987.

Feasibility Analysis of Military Family Housing Improvement Methods. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP, Offutt AFB, NE. August 1987.

Feasibility Analysis for a Private Sector Financed Bowling Center at March AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP, Offutt AFB, NE. May 1987.

Feasibility Analysis of Private Sector Financing for Military Family Housing at Carswell AFB, Texas. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP Offutt AFB, NE, and 7CSG/DEEV, Carswell AFB, TX. November 1986.

Feasibility Analysis of Third-Party Financing for Military Family Housing at March AFB, CA. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for U.S. Air Force, HQ SAC/DEP, Offutt AFB, NE, and 22CSG/DE, March AFB, CA. July 1986.

Super Speed Ground Transportation System, Las Vegas/Southern California corridor, Phase II: Socioeconomic Impacts of the SS/GTS. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for the City of Las Vegas, NV. June 1986.

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a Convention and Trade Show Located in Portland, Oregon. David M. Dornbusch & Company, Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. February 1986.

Impact Allocation Model: User Manual. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for URS Company, Santa Barbara, CA. August 1985.

Southern California International Trade: Its Economic Importance and Projections to 2020. Robert D. Niehaus, Inc. Prepared for Southern California Association of Governments, Los Angeles, CA. December 1984.

"Heuristic Methods for Evaluating Consumer Choice Models," (with W. Halperin and N. Gale) in R. Golledge and L. Hubert (Eds.) Combinatorial Data Analysis Procedures for the Evaluation of Alternate Models in Geography. National Science Foundation Grant #SES82-06067, Final Report, 1983.

"Anchors and Errors in Cognitive Images," (with N. Gale) in R. Golledge and W. Tobler (Eds.) An Examination of the Spatial Variation in the Distortion and Fuzziness of Cognitive Maps. National Science Foundation Grant #SES81-10253, Final Report, 1982.