Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 49 (1998), pp.57-85.
D. Andresen, T. Yang, O. Ibarra, and Ö. Egecioglu
Adaptive Partitioning and Scheduling for Enhancing WWW Application Performance
This paper studies runtime partitioning, scheduling and load balancing
techniques for improving performance of online WWW-based information
systems such as digital libraries. The main performance bottlenecks of
such a system are caused by the server computing capability and Internet
bandwidth. Out observations and solutions are based on our experience with
the Alexandria Digital Library (ADL) testbed at UCSB, which provides
online browsing and processing of documents, digitized maps, and other
geo-spatially mapped data via the WWW. A proper partitioning and
scheduling of computation and communication in processing a user request
on a multiprocessor server and transferring some computation to
client-side machines can reduce network traffic and substantially improve
system response time. We propose a partitioning and scheduling
mechanism that adapts to resource changes and optimizes resource
utilization and demonstrate the application of this mechanism
for online information browsing. We also provide a performance analysis
and experimental results to study the impact of resource availability
and the effectiveness of our scheduling techniques.