Discrete Computational Geometry, Vol. 14 (1995), pp. 331-358.

James Abello, Ömer Egecioglu, and Krishna Kumar

Visibility Graphs of Staircase Polygons and the Weak Bruhat Order I: From Visibility Graphs to Maximal Chains

Abstract. The recognition problem for visibility graphs of simple polygons is not known to be in NP, nor is it known to be NP-hard. It is, however, known to be in PSPACE. Further, it can be shown that every such visibility graph contains a vertex such that the subgraph induced by the closed neighborhood of this vertex is isomorphic to the visibility graph of a convex fan.
    In this, and a companion paper, we address the characterization and recognition of visibility graphs of convex fans. We first obtain a complete characterization and a polynomial time recognition algorithm for visibility graphs of orthogonal convex fans, also known as staircase polygons. The proof is based on a direct specialization of a technique used to compute the visibility graph of an arbitrary simple polygon from a combinatorial encoding of the underlying configuration of points. The characterization of visibility graphs of general convex fans, and a polynomial time recognition algorithm in the case when a hamiltonian cycle is presented as part of the imput to the problem, follows as a consequence.
    Any nondegenerate configuration of n points can be associated with a maximal chain in the weak Bruhat Order of the Symmetric Group $S_n$. The visibility graph of any simple polygon defined on this configuration is completely determined by this maximal chain via a one-to-one correspondence between maximal chains and balanced tableaux of a certain shape.
    In the case of staircase polygons, we define a class of graphs called persistent graphs and show that the visibility graph of a staircase polygon is persistent. We then describe an algorithm that recovers a representative maximal chain in the weak Bruhat order from a given persistent graph. In the companion paper we show how to reconstruct a configuration of points and a staircase polygon from the maximal chain by the algorithm in this paper.
    These results are then generalized to obtain a characterization and a recognition algorithm from the visibility graph of general convex fans.
