import java.util.ArrayList; /** Polynomial represents a polynomial from algebra. e.g. 4x^3 + 3x^2 - 5x + 2 */ public class Polynomial extends ArrayList { /** no-arg constructor returns a polynomial of degree 1, with value 0 */ public Polynomial() { // invoke superclass constructor, i.e. the // constructor of ArrayList with // parameter 1 (capacity, not size) super(1); // we want capacity at least 1 this.add(0,0.0); // uses autoboxing } /** get the degree of the polynomial. Always >= 1 @return degree of the polynomial */ public int getDegree() { return this.size() - 1; } /** Construct polynomial from int array of coefficients. The coefficients are listed in order from highest to lowest degree. The degree is the size of the array - 1. Example: 7x^3 - 2x^2 + 3 would be represented as {7,-2,0,3} Example: x^4 - 4 would be represented as {1,0,0,-4} @param coeffs array of coefficients from largest degree down to smallest. */ public Polynomial(int [] coeffs) { // invoke superclass constructor, i.e. the // constructor of ArrayList with // capacity parameter super(coeffs.length); for (int i=0;i with // capacity at least as large as we need super(coeffs.length); for (int i=coeffs.length-1;i>=0;i--) { this.add(coeffs[i]); } } /** Return string respresentation of Polynomial. Leading coefficient has negative sign in front, with no space. Other signs have a space on either side. Coefficients that are ones should be omitted. Coefficients that are within 0.0000001 (i.e. 10^6) of an integer value should omit the .0. Terms with zero coefficients (to same tolerance) should be omitted. Examples:
2x - 3
x^2 - 5x + 6
-x^7 - 2x^5 + 3x^3 - 4x
See the source code of for more examples. @return string representation of Polynomial */ public String toString() { String result=""; // for loop that steps down from the degree to 0 for (int i=this.getDegree(); i>=0 ; i-- ) { result += (get(i) + "x^" + i + " ") ; } return result; } /** determine whether two polynomials are equal (same degree, same coefficients) Uses 10^6 as tolerance for double equality. @param o arbitrary object to test for equality @return true if objects are equal, otherwise false */ public boolean equals(Object o) { // This is boiler plate code for a equals method in Java // Always do this first if (o == null) return false; if (!(o instanceof Polynomial)) return false; Polynomial p = (Polynomial) o; // @@@ TODO: Check the size of each ArrayList. // If they don't match, return false // @@@ TODO: Check each element in the ArrayList // If any don't match, return false. // Note that you are comparing double values, // so be sure to use a tolerance rather than == final double TOL=0.000001; // If you get to the end, and haven't found a reason // why they don't match, then they must match. return false; // STUB @@@ // @@@ RESTORE THIS LATER!!! return true; } /** Add two polynomials @param p polynomial to add to this polynomial @return new Polynomial representing this polynomial plus p */ public Polynomial plus (Polynomial p) { // Note that you can't predict the degree in advance. // If I add x^2 + 3x + 5 and -x^2 -3x -5, I get zero. // So, be careful! return new Polynomial (new int [] {-42}); // @@@ STUB! } /** Multiply two polynomials @param p polynomial to multiply this polynomial by @return new Polynomial representing this polynomial times p */ public Polynomial times (Polynomial p) { // Here, you'll always know the degree for sure // the algorithm is similar to multiplying integers // by hand (like you did in 3rd or 4th grade) return new Polynomial (new int [] {-42}); // @@@ STUB! } /** Subtract two polynomials @param p polynomial to subtract from this polynomial @return new Polynomial representing this polynomial minus p */ public Polynomial minus (Polynomial p) { // HINT: This one is easy if you think about the definition // of subtraction. You can just use plus and times // and do this with a one liner. return new Polynomial (new int [] {-42}); // @@@ STUB! } }