import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; /** * The test class PolynomialTest, to test the Polynomial class * * @author Phill Conrad * @version CS56, 14W, lab03 * @see Polynomial */ public class PolynomialTest { // Instead of using an @Before to set up the polynomials, I've hard coded // the polynomials directly in each test. I started settting it up // with an @Before routine, but I found that it was tedious to have // to keep referring back to the top of the file to see what the // values of each polynomial were. This way, you can see the entire // test all on the screen at the same time. /** test no arg constructor from PolynomialTest @see Polynomial#Polynomial() */ @Test public void testNoArgConstructor() { // default polynomial has degree 0, and value 0 Polynomial p = new Polynomial(); assertEquals(0,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(0,(int) p.get(0)); } /** test constructor that initializes from int array @see Polynomial#Polynomial(int [] coeffs) */ @Test public void testConstructorIntArray() { Polynomial p = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,1,5}); assertEquals(2, p.getDegree()); assertEquals(2, (int) p.get(2)); assertEquals(1, (int) p.get(1)); assertEquals(5, (int) p.get(0)); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString1() { Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial(new int[] {0}); assertEquals("0",p1.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString2() { Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); assertEquals("1",p2.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString3() { Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); assertEquals("2x - 3",p3.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString4() { Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); assertEquals("x^2 - 5x + 6",p4.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString5() { Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] {7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); assertEquals("7x^4 - 8x^3 - 9x^2 - 10x - 11",p5.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString6() { Polynomial p6 = new Polynomial(new int[] {-1, 0, -2, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0}); assertEquals("-x^7 - 2x^5 + 3x^3 - 4x",p6.toString()); } /** test toString @see Polynomial#toString */ @Test public void testToString7() { Polynomial p7 = new Polynomial (new int[] {-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 }); assertEquals("-2x^11 + x",p7.toString()); } /** test equals method @see Polynomial#equals */ @Test public void testEquals4() { Polynomial p4a = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); Polynomial p4b = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); assertEquals(true,p4a.equals(p4b)); } /** test equals method @see Polynomial#equals */ @Test public void testEquals7() { Polynomial p7a = new Polynomial (new int[] {-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 }); Polynomial p7b = new Polynomial (new int[] {-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 }); assertEquals(true,p7a.equals(p7b)); } /** test equals method (should return false when null passed) @see Polynomial#equals */ @Test public void testEqualsNull() { Polynomial p7a = new Polynomial (new int[] {-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 }); assertEquals(false,p7a.equals(null)); } /** test equals method (should return false when wrong type passed) @see Polynomial#equals */ @Test public void testEqualsWrongType() { Polynomial p7a = new Polynomial (new int[] {-2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0 }); assertEquals(false,p7a.equals("A string")); } /** test equals method (should return false when degrees don't match) @see Polynomial#equals */ @Test public void testEqualsWrongDegree() { Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1,1,1}); Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1,1}); assertEquals(false,p1.equals(p2)); } /** test plus @see Polynomial#plus */ @Test public void testp1plusp2() { Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial(new int[] {0}); Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {1}),; } /** test plus @see Polynomial#plus */ @Test public void testp2plusp3() { Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {2,-2}),; } /** test plus @see Polynomial#plus */ @Test public void testp3plusp4() { Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {1,-3,3}),; } /** test plus @see Polynomial#plus */ @Test public void testp4plusp5() { Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] {7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {7, -8, -8, -15, -5}),; } /** test plus @see Polynomial#plus */ @Test public void testp5plusp6() { Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] { 7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); Polynomial p6 = new Polynomial(new int[] {-1, 0, -2, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0}); assertEquals( new Polynomial( new int [] {-1, 0, -2, 7, -5, -9, -14, -11}),; } /** test times @see Polynomial#times */ @Test public void testp1timesp2() { Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial(new int[] {0}); Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {0}),p1.times(p2)); } /** test times @see Polynomial#times */ @Test public void testp2timesp3() { Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {2,-3}),p2.times(p3)); } /** test times @see Polynomial#times */ @Test public void testp3timesp4() { Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {2,-13,27,-18}), p3.times(p4)); } /** test times @see Polynomial#times */ @Test public void testp4timesp5() { Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] {7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); assertEquals(new Polynomial(new int [] {7, -43, 73, -13, -15, -5, -66}), p4.times(p5)); } /** test times @see Polynomial#times */ @Test public void testp5timesp6() { Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] { 7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); Polynomial p6 = new Polynomial(new int[] {-1, 0, -2, 0, 3, 0, -4,0}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {-7, 8,-5,26,50,-4,-33,2,3,40,44,0}), p5.times(p6)); } /** test minus @see Polynomial#minus */ @Test public void testp1minusp2() { Polynomial p1 = new Polynomial(new int[] {0}); Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {-1}),p1.minus(p2)); } /** test minus @see Polynomial#minus */ @Test public void testp2minusp3() { Polynomial p2 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1}); Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {-2,4}),p2.minus(p3)); } /** test minus @see Polynomial#minus */ @Test public void testp3minusp4() { Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {-1,7,-9}),p3.minus(p4)); } /** test minus @see Polynomial#minus */ @Test public void testp4minusp5() { Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] {7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {-7 , 8 , 10 , 5 , 17}), p4.minus(p5)); } /** test minus @see Polynomial#minus */ @Test public void testp5minusp6() { Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] { 7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); Polynomial p6 = new Polynomial(new int[] {-1, 0, -2, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0}); assertEquals(new Polynomial( new int [] {1,0,2,7,-11,-9,-6,-11}), p5.minus(p6)); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_ConstructorFromString_exception1() { // should throw IllegalArgumentException Polynomial p = new Polynomial(""); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("9-") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_ConstructorFromString_exception2() { // should throw IllegalArgumentException Polynomial p = new Polynomial("9-"); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("x9") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_ConstructorFromString_exception3() { // should throw IllegalArgumentException Polynomial p = new Polynomial("x9"); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("0") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_zero() { // should throw IllegalArgumentException Polynomial p = new Polynomial("0"); assertEquals(0,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(0,(int) p.get(0)); assertEquals("0",p.toString()); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("2") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_two() { Polynomial p = new Polynomial("2"); assertEquals(0,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(2,(int) p.get(0)); assertEquals("2",p.toString()); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("2") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_twoAlt() { Polynomial expected = new Polynomial(new int [] {3,4,5,6}); Polynomial actual = new Polynomial("3x^3 + 4x^2 + 5x + 6"); assertEquals(expected,actual); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("-3") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_negThree() { Polynomial p = new Polynomial("-3"); assertEquals(0,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(-3,(int) p.get(0)); assertEquals("-3",p.toString()); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("x") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_x() { Polynomial p = new Polynomial("x"); assertEquals(1,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(0,(int) p.get(0)); assertEquals(1,(int) p.get(1)); assertEquals("x",p.toString()); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest ("-x") @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_negX() { Polynomial p = new Polynomial("-x"); assertEquals(1,p.getDegree()); assertEquals(0,(int) p.get(0)); assertEquals(-1,(int) p.get(1)); assertEquals("-x",p.toString()); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_p3() { Polynomial p3 = new Polynomial(new int[] {2,-3}); String p3s = p3.toString(); Polynomial p3n = new Polynomial(p3s); assertEquals(p3n,p3); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_p4() { Polynomial p4 = new Polynomial(new int[] {1, -5, 6}); String p4s = p4.toString(); Polynomial p4n = new Polynomial(p4s); assertEquals(p4n,p4); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_p5() { Polynomial p5 = new Polynomial(new int[] {7, -8, -9, -10, -11}); String p5s = p5.toString(); Polynomial p5n = new Polynomial(p5s); assertEquals(p5n,p5); } /** test String constructor from PolynomialTest @see Polynomial#Polynomial(String) */ @Test public void test_ConstructorFromString_p6() { Polynomial p6 = new Polynomial(new int[] {-1, 0, -2, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0}); String p6s = p6.toString(); Polynomial p6n = new Polynomial(p6s); assertEquals(p6n,p6); } /** test the degreeCoeffsLowToHigh function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsLowToHigh */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsLowToHigh_2() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0, -11, -12, 0, 0, 0}; assertEquals(2,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsLowToHigh(coeffsLowToHigh)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsLowToHigh function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsLowToHigh */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsLowToHigh_1() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0, -11, 0, 0, 0, 0}; assertEquals(1,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsLowToHigh(coeffsLowToHigh)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsLowToHigh function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsLowToHigh */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsLowToHigh_0a() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {-10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; assertEquals(0,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsLowToHigh(coeffsLowToHigh)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsLowToHigh function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsLowToHigh */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsLowToHigh_0c() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0}; assertEquals(0,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsLowToHigh(coeffsLowToHigh)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsHighToLow function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsHighToLow */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsHighToLow_2() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 0, -10, -11, 0}; assertEquals(2,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsHighToLow(coeffsHighToLow)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsHighToLow function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsHighToLow */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsHighToLow_1() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 0, -10, 0}; assertEquals(1,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsHighToLow(coeffsHighToLow)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsHighToLow function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsHighToLow */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsHighToLow_0a() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 0, 10}; assertEquals(0,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsHighToLow(coeffsHighToLow)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsHighToLow function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsHighToLow */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsHighToLow_0b() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 0}; assertEquals(0,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsHighToLow(coeffsHighToLow)); } /** test the degreeCoeffsHighToLow function @see Polynomial#degreeCoeffsHighToLow */ @Test public void test_degreeCoeffsHighToLow_0c() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0}; assertEquals(0,Polynomial.degreeCoeffsHighToLow(coeffsHighToLow)); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients. @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_0a() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients. Polynomial is 0 (constant), with extra zeros in input. @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_0b() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients. Polynomial is 1 (constant). @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_0c() { int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, 1}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {1}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients, using polynomial -10x @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_1a() { // Polynomial is -10x int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, -10, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {0, -10}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients, using the polynomial -10x - 20. @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_1b() { // polynomial: -10x - 20 int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, 0, -10, -20}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {-20, -10}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the lowToHigh function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a lowToHigh int array of coefficients, using the polynomial -10x^4 - 20x^3 -40 @see Polynomial#lowToHigh */ @Test public void test_lowToHigh_5() { // polynomial: -10x^4 - 20x^3 -40 int [] coeffsHighToLow = new int [] {0, -10, -20, 0, -40, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.lowToHigh(coeffsHighToLow); int [] expected = new int [] {0, -40, 0, -20, -10}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients. @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_0a() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients. Polynomial is 0 (constant), with extra zeros in input. @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_0b() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0, 0, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients. Polynomial is 1 (constant). @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_0c() { int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {1, 0, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {1}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients, using coefficients for the Polynomial -10x. @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_1a() { // Polynomial is -10x int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0, -10, 0, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {-10, 0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients, using the polynomial -10x - 20. @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_1b() { // polynomial is -10x - 20 int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {-20, -10, 0, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {-10, -20}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } /** test the highToLow function that converts a highToLow int array of coefficients into a highToLow int array of coefficients, using the polynomial -10x^4 - 20x^3 -40 @see Polynomial#highToLow */ @Test public void test_highToLow_5() { // polynomial: -10x^4 - 20x^3 -40 int [] coeffsLowToHigh = new int [] {0, -40, 0, -20, -10, 0}; int [] actual = Polynomial.highToLow(coeffsLowToHigh); int [] expected = new int [] {-10, -20, 0, -40, 0}; assertArrayEquals(expected, actual); } } // class PolynomialTest