Chimera Architecture & API

1. Chimera Architecture
    1.1 Routing System
    1.2 Message Layer
    1.3 Host Cache
1.4 Performance Monitoring
    1.5 Job Queue
    1.6 Application up-calls
2  Chimera API
    2.1 Basic interface
    2.2 Message Up-call interface
    2.3 Routing interface
3 Chimera Configuration Parameters

1 Chimera Architecture

The Chimera system is divided up into a collection of components that can be modified independently with little impact on the system. Figure 1 shows these components and the points of communication between them. In this section, we will describe briefly the various components and how they interact with each other.

Chimera system design

1.1 Routing System

The core of the Chimera library is the routing system, which implements a structured peer-to-peer overlay similar to Tapestry or Pastry. These algorithms are described thoroughly in Tapestry and Pastry, so we include only a brief overview of them.
A peer's routing information consists of two data structures: a leaf set and routing table. The leaf set contains the current peer's immediate neighbors in key space. This leaf set is augmented by a PRR style prefix matching routing table. When a message arrives that needs to be routed, the local node checks its leaf set first. If the destination falls in the leaf set range, it will be forwarded to the closest node in the leaf set. Otherwise, it will be routed
through PRR routing table to the node with the longest common prefix with the destination.

Peers join the system by contacting a boot-strap node. After being assigned a key, the node's join message is routed through the network to the peer that will be closest in key space to the joining node. The joining peer then inherits its initial routing information from this peer and all the nodes in the routing path from the bootstrap to the node that is the root for the joining node's key. Through the peer's lifetime, it augments its routing information with peers that it interacts with or learns about. Leaf sets are strictly constructed,and must contain the closest known peers in ID space for the system to work. PRR Routing tables have less stringent requirements, and Chimera exploits this by updating this table with nodes with the best expected performance. Performance numbers are acquired through the performance monitoring subsystem. This system is implemented using the soft-state mechanisms used in the Bamboo system. 
The system supports multiple alternate hosts for each PRR routing table entry. The routing system selects the next hop among the possible choices based on the link quality and latency of known entries collected by performance monitoring system.

1.2 Message Layer

Messages exchanged by the Chimera application consist of a message type, a destination key, and the message payload. The type field is set either by the routing subsystem or the application. Each message is handed of to an up-call in the routing system which will do any processing necessary and
alert the application via up-call if requested. This effectively implements an event-driven message passing architecture, where each message is processed by an up-call at the receiving end. The key field is used only for messages routed through the Chimera routing mesh, and may be left empty for certain message types. The payload is the part of the message that is delivered to the application.

Chimera communicates using UDP messages sent over BSD sockets. We implement a simple, application layer network protocol on top of UDP to collect feedback on message exchanges. Each network send made by the Chimera application is assigned a monotonically increasing sequence number.

This sequence number is perpended to the communication, and the receiver responds with an application level acknowledgment. If this acknowledgment does not arrive within a certain timeout, the send fails. In this case, the system may choose another valid route for the message, or it may reissue the send to the same destination. If the message is acknowledged, the communication time is recorded and sent to the measurement subsystem. In Chimera version 0.9 and later we introduced the optional acknowledgment of each message type based user discretion. Typically all the Chimera control messages (e.g JOIN) will be acknowledged in each hop.
The current message system is fairly primitive, and offers many opportunities for improvement. For one, timeouts are currently statically determined, but could be based on measurement information.

1.3 Host Cache

The host cache is used to maintain information on hosts that might be useful to Chimera in the future. The cache contains two data structures: a searchable list of all ChimeraHosts in the cache and an LRU list of chimeraHosts that are not currently in use by the system. When a host is part of the peer's leaf set, PRR routing table, or application data structure, it is locked into the cache. When all references to the host are removed, it is appended to the end of the free list. When a new host entry is requested, the host looks for it in the cache. If it is found, it is removed from the free list if necessary and returned. Otherwise, a new entry is created. If the cache exceeds its maximum size, the first item is removed from the free list and replaced. Otherwise, a new item is allocated. The cache is allowed to grow past its maximum size if necessary, but it will try not to.
The ChimeraHost entries store both basic host information (name, address, key, port) as well as auxiliary performance information. The main purpose of the cache is to maintain this information even if the host is no longer actively being used. A host that frequently communicates with a given peer will likely have an entry in the cache. If another host fails and the peer needs a new routing entry, it then has a collection of hosts with known expected performance.
The cache is complete as is, but it identifies hosts by name and port only. It would be more powerful if it was capable of searching for hosts based on key.

1.4 Performance Monitoring

The performance monitoring component is responsible for collecting and reporting data on network conditions. This subsystem receives data from the message layer regarding communication times and packet loss. It then uses this information to update the host cache entry regarding the expected
performance of link to that host. Other components that access the host entry can then use this information to make decisions based on the expected performance of communication with a given host.
Currently, latency is determined using an exponential average of all communication times seen. The current function gives 10% weight to the last measurement and 90% weight to the measurement history (m(n+1) = (0:9 * m(n)) + (0:1 * m)). The loss ratio is computed using the percentage of failed communications. These prediction mechanisms are very simple and inaccurate, and in particular exponential averages produce a highly varying prediction. There are more effective, but also more complex, methods of predicting network performance.
The performance monitoring subsystem also records and average the last SUCCESS_WINDOW send attempts to every node. Using this statistics Chimera routing sub-system can differentiate between good and poor link quality in addition to network latency.

1.5 Job Queue

In order to limit the number of threads that a program generates and reduce the cost of thread creation, Chimera creates limited number of threads during the initialization phase. All these threads begin as inactive, waiting for jobs to be submitted to the job queue. As jobs are submitted to the pool, these threads wake up and begin to process the job requests. If the number of jobs exceeds the number of threads, they are put in a backlog and are processed in first-come, first-served order.
It might be desirable to process jobs in a different order than simple FCFS. In particular, it might become necessary to processes Chimera routing messages with a higher priority than application messages. It might also be simple to profile different job types and process them using an approximate shortest job first schedule. However, until there appears to be a need for these improvements, they will not be implemented.

1.6 Application up-calls

Application up-calls are the method through which the Chimera system interacts with the application built on top of it. In response to certain events, such as message delivery, route requests, and leaf set changes, the Chimera system calls functions provided by the user. The user implements applications using these up-calls as described in work on developing a common API for these types of systems. These up-calls are described more completely in "Chimera API" section.

2  Chimera API

One of our goals in this project was to provide a flexible API that decouples the user application from the underlying peer-to-peer routing and lookup system. The Chimera API follows the syntax defined in "Towards a Common API for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays". Use of this API eases substitution of underlying routing with minimum effort and facilitates user level application testing based on different routings. The Chimera interface consists of two main parts: the routing state access and the message up-call interface. The routing state access interface allows an application to directly access to routing state information. These calls can be used to access routing information and make application level routing decisions. The message up-call system interfaces with the application based on the events in routing layer.
Before going in to the detail of the core API, we explain the basic interfaces that are necessary to build an application on top of Chimera in section 2.1. We will describe the message up-call interfaces and routing state access in detail in sections 2.2 and 2.3.

2.1 Basic interface

The basic interface includes functions for initiating Chimera overlay, joining to the system, assigning key to the node, and creating ChimeraHost based on the name and IP of the node. In addition to basic interface in this section we introduce some of the other functions that can be used by developers for creating key, key conversion and host serialization.

ChimeraState* chimera_init(int port)
chimera_init initiates the chimera overlay. This function initiate Chimera routing system, Job queue, host cash, and message layer. The port will remain open as long as the node is up and will be used for receiving messages from the overlay.  It returns the Chimera_state pointer that contains states of all different chimera modules.

void chimera_join(
ChimeraState* state, ChimeraHost *bootstrap)
will sends the join message to the network that bootstrap is part of. If the bootstrap is NULL calling node is the first node in the network and it will start an overlay.

void chimera_setkey(ChimeraState* state, Key key)
Optional mechanism that allows to over-write the host's key generated by Chimera by  key. Note that Chimera uses 160bits size key that is the SHA1 hash of the string "name:port" which name is the computer name and port is the port that Chimera is running on. If you decided to use this function to provide your own key, make sure that the provided key is 160bits long. In other words, if your application uses smaller key size, when converting to the Key structure make sure that you pad your key's string representation with 0's before conversion. look at str_to_key and key_to_str functions to convert string to Key structure or vise versa.

void chimera_register(ChimeraState* state, int type, int ack)
chimera_register registers an integers message type to be routed by the chimera routing layer. Message types < 10 are reserved for Chimera internal messaging. Applications can define message types to be routed by messaging system. The ack argument defines the message layer action, whether this message type should be acknowledged or not by the recipient. In future versions we will provide function pointer to be associated with each message type.

void chimera_send(
ChimeraState* state, Key key, int type, int len, char *data)
Route a message of type to key containing size bytes of data. This will send data through the Chimera system and deliver it to the host closest to the key.

ChimeraHost *host_get(ChimeraState* state, char *hn, int port)
Returns a ChimeraHost structure entry for the given host name, hn, and port. host_get check the host cash first for the requested entry and if it can not find it there, it allocates memory for it. Note that if the host is not in the cache and created, its key will be 0.

void host_release(ChimeraState* state, ChimeraHost *host)
Releases a host from the cache, declaring that the memory could be freed any time. Each host_get should be eventually be followed by a call to host_release.

void host_encode(char *s, int len, ChimeraHost *host)
Encodes the host into a string, putting it in s, which has len bytes in it. The encoding format is as: "host->key:host->name:host->port"

ChimeraHost *host_decode(ChimeraState* state, char *s)
Decodes the encoded string into a ChimeraHost structure. This acts as a  host_get, and should be followed eventually by a host_release.

void key_makehash(void *logs, Key *hashed, char *s)
Assigns SHA1 hash of the string s to Key hashed. Chimera uses  hash of "name:port" as key. logs is a pointer to global logging system, which included in ChimeraState structure and initializes by chimera_init(..).

void key_to_str(char *str, Key k)
Converts Key structure to 40bytes long string representation of the Key k.

void str_to_key(char *str, Key *k)
Converts 40 bytes string representation of the key in hex to Key structure. When using this function make sure that your string is at least 40bytes long if not left-pad it with 0's.

2.2 Message Up-call interface

All the up-call functions take a function pointer as their only argument. This variable points to a function provided by the application that is declared as described. This system allows the user to respond to events that occur in the routing layer. They also allow the applications to make changes to some of the decisions made by Chimera. There are three message up-calls, and they are described here.

typedef void (*chimera_update_upcall_t)(Key *key, ChimeraHost *host, int joined)
void chimera update(chimera_update_upcall_t func)
The update up-call function is called when a host with a given key leaves or joins local node's leaf set. The joined integer is 0 if the node leaves the leaf set and 1 if it joins the leaf set.

typedef void (*
chimera_update_upcall_t)(Key **key, Message **msg, ChimeraHost **host)
void chimera forward(
chimera_update_upcall_t func)
The forward up-call informs application that routing layer is about to forward a message msg towards the destination key via a host. This up-call allows the application to modify any of the parameters to override the routing decisions made by the Chimera routing layer. This allows the application to change the next hope, the message, or the destination key.

typedef void (*
chimera_update_upcall_t)(Key *key, Message *msg)
void chimera deliver(
chimera_update_upcall_t func)
This up-call occurs when the current node receives a message msg destined for a key that is responsible for. This up-call indicates that the message has reached its final destination.

2.3 Routing interface

This API allows the application to access routing state and pass down application routing preferences. Application layer feedback to the routing layer provides the application with the flexibility to enforce its policy on the underlying peer-to-peer routing and lookup system without needing to modify the routing mechanism.

ChimeraHost **route_lookup(
ChimeraState* state, Key key, int count, int is_safe)
This call returns an array of count (or as many as available in routing table) ChimeraHost structures that represent acceptable next hops on a route toward a key. This version of Chimera ignores is_safe.We keep it in the syntax for future compatibility. If there is no hop closer than the local host, and the message has reached its destination, this function returns NULL.

void chimera_route(
ChimeraState* state, Key *key, Message *msg, ChimeraHost *hint)
chimera_route function will send a message msg through the Chimera routing layer to the destination key. If the hint option is not NULL, the system will use the provided host as its next hop. The hint variable is ignored in this version. This call will cause either a chimera_deliver or a chimera_forward up-call, described in section 2.2. This will eventually route the message to the key root in the existing overlay.

ChimeraHost **route_neighbors(
ChimeraState* state, int count)
This call will return an array of the count closest nodes in the leaf set of the local node. The returned array is NULL terminated, so that if there are not enough hosts in the leaf set to service the request the array will be terminated early.

3 Chimera Configuration Parameters

 Currently different configuration parameters in Chimera are scattered through out the related source files. We aim to gather them all in a configuration file for the next version of the Chimera. Here we explain some of the more important configuration parameters.
  Rama Alebouyeh
  Last updated  02/16/06