Rich Wolski's Home Page

Rich Wolski

Computer Science Department
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

My origins, like those of most people born in North America during this century, are ambiguous and questionable. I am currently a Professor and hold the Duval Family Presidential Chair for Energy Efficiency in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara which is, of course, located in Goleta California for all intents and purposes that do not involve the U.S. Mail. My past is checkered (it used to be plaid, but I've been politely informed that a past can only be so retro). Formerly, I enjoyed the hospitable climes offered by the Computer Science Department at the University of Tennessee. I've also done time as research faculty member in the U.C. San Diego CS&E Department where I researched CS and a little E (every now and then) in a decidedly pedagogical manner. My research interests include, but are not limited to, Cloud Computing, The Internet of (No)things, performance oriented distributed computing, parallel and distributed systems, and the endless metaphysical search for the perfect coffee cup.

Perhaps with unjustified notoriousness I will be leading the exploration of truth and beauty known as CS170 Undergraduate Operating Systems during Winter 2025 quarter.
My current research projects include

I co-lead the RACELab at UCSB (which is home to the most talented students on earth) with Professor Chandra Krintz.

I am also a member of the UCSB Institute for Energy Efficiency where I collaborate with a dizzying array of world-class academic researchers to use computation to improve sustainability and energy usage.

My past indiscretions include

For enriching insights into their often obscure purposes, please see my publications page (that is now up-to-date despite a long hiatus in its up-to-dateness) where a copy of my vita can also be found.
Phone: 805-893-5117
Fax: 805-893-8553