CS170 -- Operating Systems

Rich Wolski --- Fall, 2024

There will be a midterm and an in-class final exam, both of which will cover all material discussed in the class or in the reading up to the point of the test. All material from my spoken lecture, the lecture notes, the labs, and the book is relevant. There will be no make-up exams, nor will either exam be given early. Tentatively, the exam schedule is as follows:

Final Exam: Thursday, March 14, 2024 during the class period, via Gradescope

Fitting the exams into the quarter so that they do not overly conflict with your Lab development time is a bit of an exercise. Note that the Final is scheduled as an "in class" final during the last lecture period which gives you until the middle of Finals Week to complete the last Lab.

Please also understand that Fall quarter can be a busy quarter, especially if you have outside obligations. If you believe that you will have a scheduling conflict with either of these dates, you should consider taking this class during some other quarter as we will not be able to tailor the exam schedule to meet individual scheduling needs.. Again, this unfortunate requirement is brought about by the convolution of a rational schedule with the size of the class.