L. Kurafeeva, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, T. Smyth, Airflow Modeling for Citrus under Protective Screens (PDF), Sensors -- Special Issue on Leveraging IoT Technologies for Future Smart Agriculture, 24(19), 6200, Sept 2024 https://doi.org/10.3390/s24196200
S. Elsayed, C. Krintz, R. Wolski, Just the FACTS: Flexible and Energy Efficient Federated Access Control for the Edge (PDF), IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC), Sep 2024
P. Guan, A. Dangwal, A. Taherkordi, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz, Energy-Aware IoT Deployment Planning (PDF), ACM Computing Frontiers, May 2024, DOI 10.1145/3649153.3649864
N . Saquib, S. Kapoor, C. Krintz and R. Wolski, GreenCoin: A Renewable Energy-Aware Cryptocurrency (PDF), IEEE IC2E, Sep 2023, doi 10.1109/IC2E59103.2023.00016
G. Mundewadi, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz, Data Acquisition and Analysis for Improving the Utility of Low Cost Soil Moisture Sensors, (PDF) IEEE SmartAGR (at IEEE SmartComp), Jun 2023.
T. Ekaireb, L. Brand, and N. Avaraddy, M. Mock, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Laminar: Dataflow Programming for Serverless IoT Applications, The 1st Workshop on SErverless Systems, Applications and MEthodologies (SESAME), (PDF), May, 2023.
S. Wang, F. Bakir, T. Ekaireb, J. Pearson, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, MSDBench: Understanding the Performance Impact of Isolation Domains on Microservice-based IoT Deployments (PDF) BenchCouncil International Symposium On Benchmarking, Measuring And Optimizing (Bench22), Nov 2022 Best Paper Award Winner!
N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Log-Based CRDT for Edge Applications (PDF) IEEE Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Sep 2022
N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Ordering Operations for Generic Replicated Data Types using Version Trees, Eurosys Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Apr 2022 (PDF)
F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, CAPLets: Resource Aware, Capability-Based Access Control for IoT, ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC21), Dec 2021 Best Paper Honorable Mention! (PDF)
David Bermbach, Abhishek Chandra, Chandra Krintz, Aniruddha Gokhale, Aleksander Slominski, Lauritz Thamsen, Everton Cavalcante, Tian Guo, Ivona Brandic, and Rich Wolski, On the Future of Cloud Engineering, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (invited), Oct 2021 (arXiv)
N. Saquib, F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, A Resource-Efficient Smart Contract for Privacy Preserving Smart Home Systems, IEEE International Conference on Smart City Innovations (SCI), Oct 2021 (PDF)
N. Saquib, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, PEDaLS: Persisting Versioned Data Structures, IEEE Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), Oct 2021 (PDF)
M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Sparta: A Heat-Budget-based Scheduling Framework on IoT Edge Systems (PDF), International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE), Sep 2021 (PDF)
G. George, F. Bakir, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, NanoLambda: Implementing Functions as a Service at All Resource Scales for the Internet of Things, ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Nov 2020 (PDF)
Malone K, Wolski R. Doing Data Science on the Shoulders of Giants: The Value of Open Source Software for the Data Science Community. Harvard Data Science Review. (available on-line)
Vaillancourt, P., Wineholt, B., Barker, B., Deliyannis, P., Zheng, J. Suresh, A., Brazier, A., Knepper, R., Wolski, R. "Reproducible and Portable Workflows for Scientific Computing and HPC in the Cloud.", Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’20), July 26–30, 2020, Portland, OR, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 pages. (PDF)
M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, STOIC: Serverless TeleOperable Hybrid Cloud for Machine Learning Applications on Edge Device, IEEE SmartEdge, Mar 2020 (PDF).
Dimopoulos S, Krintz C, Wolski R. Fair Scheduling for Deadline-Driven, Resource-Constrained, Multi-Analytics Workloads. In 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) Feb 2020 (pp. 261-267) (PDF).
R. Wolski, C. Krintz, F. Bakir, G. George, and W-T. Lin, CSPOT: Portable, Multi-scale Functions-as-a-Service for IoT (PDF), ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC), Nov 2019.
Fatih Bakir, Rich Wolski, Chandra Krintz, and Gowri Sankar Ramachandran, Devices-as-Services: Rethinking Scalable Service Architectures for the Internet of Things (PDF), USENIX HotEdge, July 2019
M. Baughman, S. Canton, C. Haas, R. Chard, R. Wolski, I. Foster, and K. Chard, Deconstructing the 2017 Changes to AWS Spot Market Pricing (PDF), Workshop on Scientific Computing, June 2019
Nevena Golubovic, Rich Wolski, Chandra Krintz and Markus Mock, Improving the Accuracy of Outdoor Temperature Prediction by IoT Devices (PDF), IEEE Conference on IoT (ICIOT), July 2019
Michael Zhang, Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski, and Markus Mock, Seneca: Fast and Low Cost Hyperparameter Search for Machine Learning Models (PDF), IEEE Cloud, July 2019
Kyle Carson, John Thomason, Markus Mock, Rich Wolski and Chandra Krintz, Mandrake: Implementing Durabilty for Edge Clouds (PDF), IEEE Edge, July 2019
Wei-Tsung Lin, Fatih Bakir, Chandra Krintz, Rich Wolski, and Markus Mock, Data repair for Distributed, Event-based IoT Applications (PDF), ACM International Conference On Distributed and Event-Based Systems, June 2019
Gareth George, Rich Wolski, Chandra Krintz, and John Brevik, Analyzing AWS Spot Instance Pricing (PDF), International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), June 2019
C. Krintz, R. Wolski, N. Golubovic, F. Bakhir, Estimating Outdoor Temperature from CPU Temperature for IoT Applications in Agriculture, (PDF), 2018
W. Lin, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Tracing Function Dependencies Across Clouds, (PDF), IEEE Cloud, July 2018
W. Lin, M. Zhang, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Tracking Causal Order in AWS Lambda Applications, (PDF), IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), June 2018
H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Detecting Performance Anomalies in Cloud Platform Applications, (PDF), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), Feb 2018
R. Wolski, and J. Brevik, and R. Chard, and K. Chard, Probabilistic Guarantees of Execution Duration for Amazon Spot Instances, Proceedings of SC 17, November, 2017(PDF)
Dimopoulos, S., Krintz, C. and Wolski, R., 2017, September. Justice: A deadline-aware, fair-share resource allocator for implementing multi-analytics. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER) (pp. 233-244). IEEE. (PDF)
S. Dimopoulos, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, PYTHIA: Admission Control for Multi-Framework, Deadline-Driven, Big Data Workloads, IEEE Cloud, June, 2017 (PDF)
R. Wolski and J. Brevik, QPRED: Using Quantile Predictions to Improve Power Usage for Private Clouds, IEEE Cloud, June, 2017 (PDF).
Pucher, A., Wolski, R., and Krintz, C., EXFed: Efficient Cross-Federation with Availability SLAs on Preemptible IaaS Instances, Cloud Engineering (IC2E), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 75-80). IEEE. (PDF)
Elias, A. R., Golubovic, N., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Where's the Bear? - Automating Wildlife Image Processing Using IoT and Edge Cloud Systems, Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI), 2017 IEEE/ACM Second International Conference on (pp. 247-258). IEEE. (Best Paper Finalist) (PDF)
Jayathilaka, H., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Performance Monitoring and Root Cause Analysis for Cloud-hosted Web Applications, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (pp. 469-478). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee. (PDF)
C. Krintz, R. Wolski, N. Golubovic, B. Lampel, V. Kulkarni, B. Sethuramasamyraja, B. Roberts, and B. Liu, SmartFarm: Improving Agriculture Sustainability Using Modern Information Technology, KDD Workshop on Data Science for Food, Energy, and Water, (PDF)
Golubovic, N., Krintz, C., Wolski, R., Lafia, S., Hervey, T., & Kuhn, W., Extracting spatial information from social media in support of agricultural management decisions, Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, ACM (PDF)
Dimopoulos, S., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Big data framework interference in restricted private cloud settings, Big Data (Big Data), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 335-340). IEEE. (PDF)
Jayathilaka, H., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Service-Driven Computing with APIs: Concepts, Frameworks, and Emerging Trends, Web-Based Services: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1-23). IGI Global. (PDF)
A. Pucher, R. Wolski, and C. Krintz, Providing Lifetime Service-Level-Agreements for Cloud Spot Instances, International Conference on Grid and Cloud Computing and Applications (GCA'15) July, 2015.
Zhang, W, Agun, D., Yang, T., Wolski, R., and Tang, H., VM-Centric Snapshot Deduplication for Cloud Data Backup, The 31st International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies, June, 2015.
C. Krintz, R. Wolski, J. E. Pinsker, S. Dimopoulos, J. Brevik, and E. Dassau, On the Use of Consumer-grade Activity Monitoring Devices to Improve Predictions of Glycemic Variability, Smart City 360° (pp. 166-178). Springer International Publishing. (PDF)
H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, EAGER: Deployment-time API Governance for Modern PaaS Clouds, (PDF), IC2E Workshop on the Future of PaaS, March 2015.
A. Pucher, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, Using Trustworthy Simulation to Engineer Cloud Schedulers, (PDF), IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), March, 2015 Winner, Best Paper Award.
Chien, A. A., Wolski, R., and Yang, F., Zero-Carbon Cloud: A Volatile Resource for High-Performance Computing, Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications; Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1997-2001). IEEE. (PDF)
G. Douglas, B. Drawert, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski, CloudTracker: Using Execution Provenance to Optimized the Cost of Cloud Use, (PDF) International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services, Sept 2014.
C. Horuk, G. Douglas, A. Gupta, C. Krintz, B. Bales, G. Bellesia, B. Drawert, R. Wolski, L. Petzold, and A. Hellander, Automatic and Portable Cloud Deployment for Scientific Simulations (PDF), IEEE/ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, July 2014
H. Jayathilaka, C. Krintz, and R. Wolski Towards Automatically Estimating Porting Effort Between Web Service APIs, (PDF), IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, June 2014
C. Krintz, H. Jayathilaka, S. Dimopoulos, A. Pucher, R. Wolski, and T. Bultan, Cloud Platform Support for API Governance (PDF), IC2E Workshop on the Future of PaaS, March 2014
Chandra Krintz, Hiranya Jayathilaka, Stratos Dimopoulos, Alexander Pucher, and Rich Wolski, Developing Systems for API Governance, 2013 Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences, 2013 (PDF).
Navraj Chohan, Chris Bunch, Sydney Pang, Chandra Krintz, Nagy Mostafa, Sunil Soman, Rich Wolski, AppScale: Scalable and Open AppEngine Application Development and Deployment, Cloud Computing, 2010.
D. Nurmi, R. Wolski, C. Grzegorczyk, G. Obertelli, S. Soman, L. Youseff, and D. Zagorodnov, The Eucalyptus Open-Source Cloud-Computing System, Proceedings of 2009 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing (CCGrid 2009) (PDF).
Ramakrishnan, Lavanya and Koelbel, Charles and Kee, Yang-Suk and Wolski, Rich and Nurmi, Daniel and Gannon, Dennis and Obertelli, Graziano and YarKhan, Asim and Mandal, Anirban and Huang, T Mark and others, VGrADS: enabling e-Science workflows on grids and clouds with fault tolerance, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on High Performance Computing Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2009 (PDF).
Youseff, Lamia and Seymour, Keith and You, Haihang and Zagorodnov, Dmitrii and Dongarra, Jack and Wolski, Rich, Paravirtualization effect on single-and multi-threaded memory-intensive linear algebra software, Cluster Computing, Vol. 12, Issue 2, 2009.
Nurmi, Daniel and Wolski, Rich and Grzegorczyk, Chris and Obertelli, Graziano and Soman, Sunil and Youseff, Lamia and Zagorodnov, Dmitrii, Eucalyptus: An Open Source Cloud Computing Infrastructure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 180, No. 1, 2009 (PDF).
Y. Kee, K. Kesselman, D. Nurmi, and R. Wolski, Enabling Personal Clusters on Demand for Batch Resources Using Commodity Software, Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2008 (PDF).
R. Wolski, and S. Gurun, and C. Krintz, Using bandwidth data to make computation offloading decisions, 5th High-performance Grid Computing Workshop, Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2008 (PDF).
D. Nurmi, R. Wolski, and J. Brevik, VARQ: Virtual Advance Reservations for Queues, Proceedings of the 17th international symposium on High performance distributed computing (HPDC), 2008 (PDF).
A. Mutz, and R. Wolski, Efficient auction-based grid reservations using dynamic programming, Proceedings of SC06 -- ACM/IEEE Conference on High-performance Networking and Computing, Article (SC08), 2008 (PDF).
Mutz, A, and Wolski, R., and Brevik, J., Eliciting Honest Value Information in a Batch-Queue Environment, in Proceedings of Grid2007 (PDF).
Gurun, S., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., NWSLite: A General-purpose, Non-parametric Prediction Utility for Embedded Systems, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2007.
Wen, Y., Gurun, S., Chohan, N., Wolski, R., Krintz, C., Accurate and Scalable Simulation of Network of Heterogeneous Sensor Devices, (to appear) Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 2007.
Nurmi, D., Brevik, J., and Wolski, R., QBETS: Queue Bounds Estimation from Time Series, (to appear) 13th Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, June, 2007. (PDF).
Chrabakh, W. and Wolski, A Grid Web-based Portal for Solving Satisfiability Problems Using National Cyberinfrastrcture, Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 19, Number 6, pp. 795-808, April, 2007.
Grzegorczyk, C., Soman, S., Wolski, R., and Krintz, C., Isla Vista Heap Sizing: Using Feedback to Avoid Paging, (to appear) The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), March, 2007. (PDF).
Wen, Y., Wolski, R., and Moore, G., DiSenS: Scalable Distributed Sensor Network Simulation, Proceedings of ACM Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) 2007, March, 2007. (PDF).
Wolski, R., Nurmi, D., and Brevik, J., An Analysis of Availability Distributions in Condor, Workshop on Next-Generation Software (w/IPDPS), March, 2007. (PDF).
Mousa, H., Krintz, C., Youseff, L., and Wolski, R., VIProf: Vertically Integrated Full-System Performance Profiler Workshop on Next-Generation Software (w/IPDPS), March, 2007 (PDF).
Youseff, L., Wolski, R., Gorda, B., and Krintz, C., Evaluating the Performance Impact of Xen on MPI and Process Execution For HPC Systems, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing (VTDC), November, 2006. (PDF).
Nurmi, D., Mandal, A., Brevik, J., Keolbel, C., Wolski, R., and Kennedy, K., Evaluation of a Workflow Scheduler Using Integrated Performance Modelling and Batch Queue Wait Time Prediction, in Proceedings of SC06, November, 2006. (PDF).
Brevik, J., Nurmi, D. and Wolski, R. Predicting Bounds on Queueing Delay in Space-Shared Computing Environments, IISWC, October, 2006, San Jose, CA. (PDF).
Wen, Y., Wolski, R., and Gurun, S., S2DB: A Novel Simulation-Based Debugger for Sensor Network Applications, in Proceedings of EMSOFT, October, 2006. (PDF).
Wen, Ye, Gurun, S., Chohan, N., Wolski, R. and Krintz, C., SimGate: Full-System, Cycle-Close Simulation of the Stargate Sensor Network Intermediate Nodes, nternational Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, MOdeling, and Simulation (IC-SAMOS), Samos, Greece, July 2006. (PDF).
Brevik, J., Nurmi, D., and Wolski, R., Predicting Bounds on Queuing Delay for Batch-scheduled Parallel Machines, Proceedings of ACM Principles and Practices of Parallel Programming (PPoPP) 2006, March, 2006 (PDF).
Chrabakh, W. and Wolski, R., Solving "Hard" Satisfiability Problems Using GridSAT, (to appear) Journal of Grid Computing, 2006 (PDF).
Chrabakh, W. and Wolski, GridSAT: A System for Solving Satisfiability Problems on a Computational Grid, (to appear) Journal of Parallel Applications, 2006 (PDF).
Nurmi, D., Brevik, J., and Wolski, R., Minimizing the Network Overhead of Checkpointing in Cycle-harvesting Cluster Environments, Proceedings of Cluster 2005, September, 2005 (PDF).
Nurmi, D., Brevik, J., and Wolski, R., Modeling Machine Availability in Enterprise and Wide-area Distributed Computing Environments, Proceedings of EUROPAR 2005, August, 2005 (PDF).
Wolski, R., Obertelli, G., Allen, M., Nurmi, D., and Brevik, J., Predicting Grid Resource Performance On-line, (to appear) in Handbook of Innovative Computing: Models, Enabling Technologies, and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2005 (PDF).
Chrabakh, W. and Wolski, GridSAT Portal: A Grid Portal for Solving Satisfiability Problems on a Computational Grid, Proceedings of the 14th Global Grid Forum (GGF-14), Science Gateways: Common Community Interfaces to Grid Resources, June 2005 PDF.
Chrabakh, W. and Wolski, R., Solving "Hard" Satisfiability Problems Using GridSAT, Proceedings of the 14th Global Grid Forum (GGF-14) Workshop on Grid Applications: from Early Adopters to Mainstream Users, June, 2005 (PDF.
Wolski, R., Nurmi, D., Brevik, J., Casanova, H., Chien, A. Models and Modeling Infrastructures for Global Computational Platforms, Workshop on Next Generation Software, IPDPS, April 2005 (PDF).
Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Using Phase Behavior in Scientific Applications to Guide Linux Operating System Customization, Workshop on Next Generation Software, IPDPS, April 2005 (PDF).
Blanquer, J., Batchelli, A., Schauser, K., and Wolski, R., Quorum: Flexible Quality of Service for Internet Services, USENIX 2nd Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), May 2-4, 2005 (PDF).
Blanquer, J., Batchelli, A., Schauser, K., and Wolski, R., QoS for Internet Services -- Done Right, 11th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, September 11-22, 2004 (PDF).
Krintz, C., Wen, Ye, and Wolski, R., Application-level Prediction of Battery Dissipation, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), Newport Beach, CA, August 9-11, 2004, pp. 224--229 (PDF).
Gurun, S., Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., NWSLite: A Light-Weight Prediction Utility for Mobile Devices, International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys) June 6-9, 2004, pages 2--11 (PDF).
Brevik, J, Nurmi, D., and Wolski, R., Automatic Methods for Predicting Machine Availability in Desktop Grids and Peer-to-peer Systems, Fourth International Workshop on Global and P2P (GP2P) in conjunction with CCGrid04, Chicago, Il, April, 2004 (PDF).
Swany, M. and Wolski, R., Building Performance Topologies for Computational Grids, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 18, Number 2, pages 255--265, 2004.
Allen, M. and Wolski, R., The Livny and Plank-Beck Problems: Studies in Data Movement on the Computational Grid (PDF), Proceedings of SC03, Phoenix, AZ, November, 2003.
Wolski, R., Miller, L., Obertelli, G., and Swany, M., Performance Information Services for Computational Grids (PDF), In Resource Management for Grid Computing, Nabrzyski, J., Schopf, J., and Weglarz, J., editors, Kluwer Publishers, Fall, 2003.
Berman, F., Wolski, R., Casanova, H., Cirne, W, Dail, H., Faerman, M., Figueira, S., Hayes, J., Obertelli, G., Schopf, J., and Shao, G., Smallen, S., Spring, N., Su, A., Zagorodnov, D., Adaptive Computing on the Grid Using AppLeS, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 14, Number 4, pp 369--382, April, 2003.
Bassi, A., Beck, M., Moore, T., Plank, S., Swany, M., Wolski, R., and Fagg, G., The Internet Backplane Protocol: a study in Resource Sharing, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 19, Number 4, pp 551--561, 2003.
Wolski, R., Experiences with Predicting Resource Performance On-line in Computational Grid Settings (PDF), ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 30, Number 4, pp 41--49, March, 2003.
Wolski, R., Brevik, J., Plank, J., and Bryan, T., Grid Resource Allocation and Control Using Computational Economies (PDF), In Grid Computing: Making the Global Infrastructure a Reality Berman, F, Fox, G., and Hey, T. editors, Wiley and Sons, pp. 747--772, March 2003.
Swany, M. and Wolski, R., Building Performance Topologies for Computational Grids (PDF), Proceedings of the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Third Annual Symposium, October, 2002.
Allen, M., Wolski, R. and Plank, J., Adaptive Timeout Discovery Using the Network Weather Service (PDF), Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-11), August, 2002.
Swany, M., and Wolski, R., Representing Dynamic Performance Information in Grid Environments with the Network Weather Service (PDF), in the Proceedings of the Second Conference on Cluster and Grid Computing (CCGrid02), May, 2002.
Kennedy, K., Mazina, M., Mellor-Crummy, J., Cooper, K., Torczon, L., Berman, F., Chien, A., Dail, H., Sievert, O., Anguloa, D., Forster, I., Gannon, D., Johnsson, L., Kesselman, C., Aydt, R., Reed, D., Dongarra, J., Vadhiyar, S., Wolski,R., Toward a Framework for Preparing and Executing Adaptive Grid Programs, Proceedings of NSF Next Generation Systems Program Workshop (International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 2002), April, 2002.
Wolski, R., Computational Grids: Current Trends in Performance-oriented Distributed Computing (PDF), SIAM News, Volume 35, Number 2, page 4, March 2002.
Bassi, A., Beck, M., Fagg, G., Moore, T., Plank, J., Swany, M., and Wolski, R., The Internet Backplane Protocol: A Study in Resource Sharing, in the Proceeding of the Second Conference on Cluster and Grid Computing (CCGrid02), May, 2002.
Swany, D. M., Wolski, R., Data Logistics in Network Computing: The Logistical Session Layer (PDF), Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing Applications, February, 2002.
Plank, J., Wolski, R. and Allen, M., The Effect of Timeout Prediction and Selection on Wide Area Collective Operations (PDF), Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing Applications, February, 2002.
The GrADS Project: Software Support for High-Level Grid Application Development, Berman, F., Chien, A., Cooper, K. Dongarra, J., Foster, I., Gannon, D., Johnsson, L., Kennedy, K., Kesselman, C., Mellor-Crummey, J., Reed, D., Torczon, L., Wolski, R., International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Volume 15, Number 4, pp. 327--344, Winter 2001.
Wolski, R., Plank, S., Bryan, T., and Brevik, J, Analyzing Market-based Resource Allocation Strategies for the Computational Grid, International Journal of High-performance Computing Applications, Volume 15, Number 3, pp. 258--281, Fall 2001.
Plank, J., Bassi, A, Beck, M., Moore, T., Swany, D. M., R. Wolski, Managing Data Storage in the Network, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 5, Number 5, pp. 50--58, Sept/Oct., 2001.
Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., NwsAlarm: A Tool for Accurately Detecting Degradation in Expected Performance of Grid Resources, CCGrid 2001, May, 2001.
Elwasif, W., Plank, J., and Wolski, R., Data Staging Effects in Wide Area Task Farming Applications, CCGrid 2001, May, 2001.
Wolski, R., Plank, J., Brevik, J, and Bryan, T., G-Commerce: Market Formulations Controlling Resource Allocation on the Computational Grid (PDF), IPDPS 01, March, 2001.
Krintz, C., and Wolski, R., Using JavaNws to Compare C and Java TCP-Socket Performance, The Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 13, Number, 8-9, pp. 815--839, 2001.
Wolski, R., Spring, N. and Hayes, J., Predicting the CPU Availability of Time-shared Unix Systems on the Computational Grid, The Journal of Cluster Computing, December, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2000), pp. 293 -- 301.
Casanova, H., Obertelli, G., Berman, F., and Wolski, R., The AppLeS Parameter Sweep Template: User-Level Middleware, Proceedings of SC00, November, 2000.
Gaidioz, B., Wolski, R., and Tourancheau, B., Synchronizing Network Probes to avoid Measurement Intrusiveness with the Network Weather Service (PDF), The 9th IEEE High-performance Distributed Computing Conference, August, 2000, pp. 147-154.
Krintz, C. and Wolski, R., JavaNws: The Network Weather Service for the Desktop (PDF), Proceedings of ACM JavaGrande, June, 2000.
Dail, H., Obertelli, G., Berman, F., and Wolski, R., Application-Aware Scheduling of a Magnetohydrodynamics Application in the Legion Metasystem, 2000 Heterogeneous Computing Workshop at IPDPS, May, 2000.
Shao, G., Berman, F., and Wolski, R., Master/Slave Computing on the Grid (PDF), 2000 Heterogeneous Computing Workshop at IPDPS, May, 2000.
Faerman, M., Su, A., Wolski, R., and Berman, F., Adaptive Performance Prediction for Distributed Data-Intensive Applications, Proceedings of SC99, November, 1999.
Lee, C., Stepanek, J., Wolski, R., Kesselman, C., and Foster, I., A Network Performance Tool for Grid Environments, Proceedings of SC99, November, 1999.
J. Plank, M. Beck, W. Elwasif, T. Moore, M. Swany, and R. Wolski, The Internet Backplane Protocol: Storage in the Network, Proceedings of NetStore 99: Network Storage Symposium, October, 1999.
W. Elwasif, J. Plank, M. Beck, and R. Wolski, IBP-Mail: Controlled Delivery of Large Mail Files, Proceedings of NetStore 99: Network Storage Symposium, October, 1999.
M. Beck, H. Casanova, J. Dongarra, T. Moore, J. Plank, F. Berman, and R. Wolski, Logistical Quality of Service in NetSolve, Computer Communications, Vol. 22, No. 11, July, 1999, pp. 1034 -- 1044.
Wolski, R., Spring, N. and Hayes, J., The Network Weather Service: a Distributed resource Performance Forecasting Service for Metacomputing, {\em Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems}, Volume 15, Numbers 5-6, pp. 757-768, October, 1999.
Wolski, R., Predicting CPU Availability on the Computational Grid using the Network Weather Service, {\em Journal of Parallel Processing Letters}, Volume 9, No. 4, pp. 227-241, 1999.
Su, A., Berman, F. Wolski, R., and Mills Strout, M., Using AppLeS to Schedule a Distributed Visualization Tool on the Computational Grid, International Journal of Supercomputer and High-Performance Applications, Volume 13, No. 3, pp. 253-262, Fall 1999.
Wolski, R., Spring, N. and Hayes, J., Predicting the CPU Availability of Time-shared Unix Systems on the Computational Grid (PDF), Proceedings of 8th High-performance Distributed Computing Systems Conference August, 1999.
Shao, G., Berman, F., and Wolski, R., Using Effective Network Views to Promote Distributed Application Performance, Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, July, 1999.
Wolski, R. Dynamically Forecasting Network Performance using the Network Weather Service, in Journal of Cluster Computing Volume 1, pp. 119-132, January, 1998.
Wolski, R.M., Spring, N., Peterson, C., Implementing a Performance Forecasting System for Metacomputing: The Network Weather Service (PDF), Proceedings of SC97, November, 1997.
Berman, F., and Wolski, R., The AppLeS Project: A Status Report, Proceedings of the 8th NEC Research Symposium, Berlin, Germany, May 1997.
Shao, G., Wolski, R., and Berman, F., Modeling the Cost of Redistribution in Scheduling, in Proceedings of the SIAM conference on Parallel Processing March, 1997.
Berman F. Wolski, R.M., Figueira, S., Schopf, J., and Shao, G., Application-Level Scheduling on Distributed Heterogeneous Networks (PDF), {\em Proceedings of Supercomputing 1996}, November, 1996.
W. G. Griswold, R. Wolski, S. B. Baden, S. J. Fink, S. R. Kohn, Programming Language Requirements for the Next Millennium, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume 28, No. 4, pp. 194-196, December, 1996.
Wolski, R.M., Cann, D, Compiler Controlled Cache Coherence Using a Functional Language, the The Journal of Scientific Programming, Volume 5, 1996.
Wolski, R.M., Static Scheduling of Hierarchical Program Graphs, Journal of Parallel Processing Letters, Volume 5, Number 4, pp. 611-622, December, 1995.
Gorda, B. and Wolski, R.M., Time Sharing Massively Parallel Machines, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing August, 1995.
Wolski, R.M., Cann, D, Compiler Controlled Cache Coherence Using a Functional Language, Proceedings of the Conference on High-performance Functional Computing Denver, CO, April, 1995.
Wolski, R.M., Feo, J.T., Program Partitioning for NUMA Multiprocessor Computer Systems, The Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Volume 19, No. 3, pp. 203-218, November, 1993.
Wolski, R.M., Feo, J.T., Overlapping Computations and Communications on NUMA Architectures, Proceedings of the Third Annual Sisal Users' Conference San Diego, CA, October, 1993.
Wolski, R.M., Feo, J.T., Program Partitioning for NUMA Architectures, Proceedings of the Second Annual Sisal Users' Conference San Diego, CA, October, 1992.
Cann, D., Wolski, R.M., Feo, J.T., Toward Resolving the Parallel Programming Crisis, Proceedings of the 1992 International Parallel Processing Symposium Parallel Systems Fair Beverly Hills, CA, March, 1992.