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Web Service Analysis Tool


General Description

Getting Started (Tool Demo)

  1. Installation Instructions
  2. Running Samples

Source Code Download

Tool Documentation


  1. [ICWS'04] X. Fu, T. Bultan, and J. Su. Realizability of Conversation Protocols With Message Contents, 2nd International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 2004
  2. [ISSTA'04] X. Fu, T. Bultan, and J. Su. Model Checking XML Manipulating Software, International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2004
  3. [CAV'04] X. Fu, T. Bultan, and J. Su. WSAT: A Tool for Formal Analysis of Web Services, 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, July 2004 (Tool paper)
  4. [SIGMOD'04] R. Hull and J. Su. Tools for Design of Composite Web Services, ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, June 2004 (Tutorial abstract). Turorial Notes
  5. [WWW'04] X. Fu, T. Bultan, and J. Su. Analysis of Interacting BPEL Web Services, 13th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May 2004
  6. [UCSB-CS-TECH-REPORT-2004-10] Xiang Fu, Oscar H. Ibarra, Jianwen Su and Tevfik Bultan. Message Based Behavior Model of Web Services: Expressive Power
  7. [REOS'03] Xiang Fu, Tevfik Bultan and Jianwen Su. A Top-Down Approach to Modeling Global Behaviors of Web Services, Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Open Systems (REOS), Montery, CA, September 2003
  8. [CIAA'03] Xiang Fu, Tevfik Bultan and Jianwen Su. Conversation Protocols: A Formalism for Specificationa and Verification of Reactive Electronic Services, Proc. of 8th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'03), LNCS 2759, pp. 188 - 200, Springer, Santa Barbara, July 2003. Invited journal version (.pdf)
  9. [WWW'03] Tevfik Bultan, Xiang Fu, Richard Hull, and Jianwen Su. Conversation Specification: A New Approach to Design and Analysis of E-Service Composition, Proc. of Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2003), ACM 1-58113-680-3/03/0005, pp. 403 - 410. Budpeset, Hungary, May 2003

(last updated: July 9, 2004)