Lec # Data Topic 1. 9/26 Intro and Convex 2D Hull 2. 10/1 Plane Sweep and Segment Intersection 3. 10/3 Point Location and RIC 4. 10/8 Polygon Triangulation and Art Gallery Thm 5. 10/10 Halfplane intersection and 2d LP 6. 10/15 Range Searching 7. 10/17 Voronoi Diagram 8. 10/22 Delaunay Triangulation 9. 10/24 Duality, Arrangements and Applications 10. 10/29 Duality, Arrangements and Applications 11. 10/31 KD trees, multi-dim Divide and Conquer 12. 11/5 Quadtrees, Well-Separated Pair Decomp 13. 11/7 VC Dimension and sampling 14. 11/12 Epsilon Net and Applications 15. 11/14 Locality Sensitive Hashing, and NN Search 16. 11/19 3SUM Hardness and lower bounds 17. 11/21 Combinatorial Geometry and HW 3 review 18. 11/26 TBD (IITR) 11/28 No lecture (Thanksgiving) 19. 12/3 Strange behavior of High Dim Geometry 20. 12/5 Exam. Books: BKOS. Computational Geometry, de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars, Schwarzkopf DM. David Mount Lecture Notes SS. Suri Lecture Notes