Project #1: Threads & Synchronization Operations in NACHOS

Due Feb 1, 2006 : 11:59:59pm

Important! Read this!
How to Submit


For this homework, you will be working with the ``threads'' subsystem of NACHOS. This is the part of NACHOS that supports multiple concurrent activities within the kernel. In the exercises below, you will write some simple programs that create multiple threads, you will demonstrate the problems that arise when multiple threads perform unsynchronized access to shared data, and you will rectify these problems by introducing synchronization (in the form of semaphores) into the code. Then, you will implement the lock and condition synchronization primitives that are missing from NACHOS.

All your work for this assignment will take place within the threads directory. Although you might find it helpful to look at files outside this directory, you should not make any changes to files other than those in the threads directory. In general, if a source code file has the following message at the beginning:

// DO NOT CHANGE -- part of the machine emulation then you are not to change it. All other files are fair game. Sometimes, you may even wish to add additional source files. This is OK, but make sure to make appropriate changes to Makefile.common.

Important! Read This

In this assignment, and in all subsequent assignments in this course, you will be given very detailed specifications concerning particular functions or classes you are to implement. Though you will generally have considerable flexibility in exactly how you implement these functions, it is extremely important that the names of these functions and their behaviors are exactly as specified. If an assignment tells you to implement a function or class with a particular name and/or prototype, do not implement something with a different name or prototype.

In this course, we are going to perform a great deal of the building and testing of your software automatically. We will write our own driver functions which we will link with your code. If you adhere exactly to the specifications, everything should work properly. If not, your code will require manual intervention to test, and the large number of students in the class will probably make this impossible for us.

One other thing that will make manual intervention necessary is if your code produces extraneous printout when it runs. You should therefore see to it that your code, as submitted, should produce no printout other than that originally present in Nachos, or that specifically indicated in the assignment. In addition, if the assignment specifies that you are to produce printout, your printout must appear exactly as specified. Do not add extraneous newlines, extra characters, or change in any way the format of the messages you are told to produce.

You will probably find it useful to incorporate debugging printout into your code during development and testing. This is OK, but all such code should use the NACHOS DEBUG macro defined in threads/utility.h, so that debugging printout is not produced unless a suitable command-line flag is provided. Examples of the use of this macro appear throughout the NACHOS code.

Every time you modify a NACHOS file, you should surround all of your changes with preprocessor commands that make it easy to compile the code without your changes.

#if defined(CHANGED) && defined(THREADS) /* put your changed code here */ #else /* the original code goes here */ #endif


Exercise 1: Simple Threads Programming - Weight:10

The purpose of this exercise is for you to get some experience using the threads primitives provided by NACHOS, and to demonstrate what happens if concurrently executing threads access shared variables without proper synchronization. Then you will use the semaphore synchronization primitives in NACHOS to achieve proper synchronization.

When the ``threads'' version of NACHOS is started, it initially creates a single thread that begins executing the function ThreadTest() in the file This function creates a new thread that calls the function SimpleThread(1), and the original thread calls the function SimpleThread(0). The two threads each execute the loop in the SimpleThread() function, in which they yield control of the CPU back and forth five times.

Modify the function ThreadTest() to take a single integer argument n, so that its prototype becomes:

void ThreadTest(int n); Your new version of ThreadTest() should fork n new threads instead of just one. Test your function on values of n from zero to four. You will have to change the file to supply the required integer argument to ThreadTest().

Next, modify function SimpleThread() to read exactly as follows:

int SharedVariable; void SimpleThread(int which) { int num, val; for(num = 0; num < 5; num++) { val = SharedVariable; printf("*** thread %d sees value %d\n", which, val); currentThread->Yield(); SharedVariable = val+1; currentThread->Yield(); } val = SharedVariable; printf("Thread %d sees final value %d\n", which, val); } Try the modified version of SimpleThread with the argument to ThreadTest() set to 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Analyze and explain the results. Put your explanation in the file threads/HW1_WRITEUP.

The file contains an implementation of the semaphore operations Semaphore::P() and Semaphore::V().

Modify SimpleThread() by introducing calls to the semaphore operations, so that accesses to the shared variable are properly synchronized. Try your synchronized version of SimpleThread() with the argument to ThreadTest() set to 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Access to the shared variables are properly synchronized if each iteration of the loop increments the variable by exactly one and each thread sees the same final value. These observations should hold when random interrupts are turned on using the -rs option It may be necessary to implement a "barrier" in order to allow all threads to wait for the last to exit the loop.

Using the #ifdef/#endif preprocessor construct, bracket your synchronization code so that its compilation is controlled by the preprocessor symbol HW1_SEMAPHORES. That is, if the preprocessor symbol HW1_SEMAPHORES is defined, the synchronization code should be included, otherwise the synchronization code should not be included. Recompile NACHOS both ways to make sure our "conditionalized" code works properly.

Exercise 2: Implementing Locks - Weight:10

For this exercise, you are to implement the Lock operations that are missing from the file Locks are used to ensure mutual exclusion between threads. At any time, a lock is either free, or else it is held by a thread. At most one thread at a time can hold a lock. If a thread tries to acquire a lock that is currently being held by another thread, the requesting thread will block (sleep) until the thread that holds the lock releases the lock.

There are four missing functions you must implement:

  1. Lock::Lock(char* debugName): This constructor function initializes a lock object. The debugName argument is a string supplied by the caller, which should just be stored into the new Lock structure. Its purpose is simply to help distinguish various instances of locks in debugging printout.
  2. Lock::~Lock(): This function deallocates a lock object, when it is no longer needed.
  3. void Lock::Acquire(): This function waits for a lock to become free and then acquires the lock for the current thread.
  4. void Lock::Release(): This function releases a lock that was previously acquired by the current thread, and wakes up one of the threads waiting for the lock.
Use the Semaphore code as a guide when writing the Lock code. Locks are very much like semaphores with initial value 1.

Test your code by replacing the Semaphore operations you added to SimpleThread() by corresponding Lock operations, and verifying that the demonstration still works properly. Conditionalize your code so that its complication is controlled by the preprocessor symbol HW1_LOCKS. (Be sure that you can still compile your code with HW1_SEMAPHORES defined to get the semaphore demonstration.)

Exercise 3: Implementing Conditions - Weight:20

For this exercise, you are to implement the Condition operations that are missing from the file Conditions are used to ensure proper synchronization among threads. The specifications for this primitive appear in the synch.h module. There are five missing functions you must implement:
  1. Condition::Condition(char* debugName): This constructor function initializes a condition object. The debugName argument is a string supplied by the caller, which should just be stored into the new Condition structure. Its purpose is simply to help distinguish various instances of conditions in debugging printout.
  2. Condition::~Condition(): This function deallocates a condition object, when it is no longer needed.
  3. void Condition::Wait(Lock* conditionLock): This function waits for a condition to become free and then acquires the condition for the current thread.
  4. void Condition::Signal(Lock* conditionLock): This function wakes up one of the threads that is waiting on the condition.
  5. void Condition::Broadcast(Lock* conditionLock): This function wakes up all threads that are waiting for the condition.
Use the Semaphore and Lock code as a guide when writing the Condition code.

Exercise 4: Laundromat - Weight:30

The local laundromat has just entered the computer age. As each customer enters, he or she puts coins into slots at one of two stations and types in the number of washing machines he/she will need. The stations are connected to a central computer that automatically assigns available machines and outputs tokens that identify the machines to be used. The customer puts laundry into the machines and inserts each token into the machine indicated on the token. When a machine finishes its cycle, it informs the computer that it is available again. The computer maintains an array available[NMACHINES] whose elements are non-zero if the corresponding machines are available (NMACHINES is a constant indicating how many machines there are in the laundromat), and a semaphore nfree that indicates how many machines are available. The code to allocate and release machines is as follows: int allocate() /* Returns index of available machine. */ { int i; P(nfree); /* wait until a machine is available */ for (i=0; i < NMACHINES; i++) if (available [i] != 0 { available[i] = 0; return i; } } release(int machine) /* Release machine */ { available[machine] = 1; V(nfree); } The available array is initialized to all ones, and nfree is initialized to NMACHINES.
  1. It seems that if two people make request at two stations at the same time, they will occasionally be assigned the same machine. This has resulted in several brawls in the laundromat, and you have been called in by the owner to fix the problem. Assume that one thread handles each customer station. Explain how the same washing machine can be assigned to two different customers. Put your explanation in the file threads/HW1_WRITEUP.
  2. Modify the code to eliminate the problem.
  3. Re-write the code to solve the synchronization problem using locks and condition variables instead of semaphores.
You should test your implementation in NACHOS.

How to Submit

When you submit your assignment, make sure that all preprocessor directives (HW1_SEMAPHORES, HW1_LOCKS, HW1_ELEVATOR, HW1_OFFICE) are disabled. That is, your submission should simply output the Nachos default. We will automatically build your submission with different preprocessor directives. In order to do that, it is necessary that you leave the $(DEFINES) variable in the compiler invocation in Makefile.common. You can add directives to the compilation process as you like, but we will use the DEFINES variable to pass our defines to the compiler. Note that you do not need to do anything right away. Only when you substantially change the Makefile(s), it is necessary for you to make sure that the DEFINES variable can still be used to pass arguments to the compilation process.

You have to provide a writeup in a file HW1_WRITEUP in which you have to mention which exercises you have been able to complete. And for the ones that are incomplete, what is their current status. The description of status for completed exercises or those that you did not start should not be more than 1 line. However, when you submit code that is not working properly (partial solution), make sure that your documentation is very verbose so that the TAs can understand what you have achieved and which parts are missing. This is necessary to receive at least partial credit. When you just submit something that does not work and give no explanations, expect to receive no credit. Also include both group members' names and a short note listing all office hours that both group members can attend. Make sure that the writeup file is in the top level code directory. You may or may not be asked to arrive during that hour for a 10 minute interview (See grading policy for details).

  1. Go to your 'nachos' directory.
  2. Turn in your 'code' directory with the command:

You can turnin up to 3 times per project and not more than that! The earlier versions will be discarded.

Note: only one turnin per group is accepted!