Typically, the seminar meets on Thursdays between 2 and 2:50 pm in the CTL (932 101).
- Week 1, Thursday April 5:
Topics: formalities and scheduling for the coming weeks.
- Week 2, Thursday April 12:
Seminar will be in CNSI, room 3001.
Wim van Dam: "Quantum nonlocality, without the quantum physics" (white board presentation)
- Week 3, Thursday April 19:
Rajesh Kumar: "On cutting cakes"
Sorabh Gandhi: "Approximate Isocontours and Spatial Summaries for Sensor Networks"
- Week 4, Thursday April 26:
Teri Lampoudi: "Sampling from the uniform random, non-overlapping distribution of
spherical cows in a vacuum"
- Week 5, Thursday May 3:
Aydin Buluc: "Beyond the worst-case analysis and the RAM model: Amortized analysis and the Cache Oblivious Model"
- Week 6, Thursday May 10:
Sara Woodworth: "Asynchronous Spiking Neural P Systems"
- Week 7, Thursday May 17:
Arturo Gonzalez: "Approximating the Minimum Length Corridor Problem and Related Problems"
- Week 8, Thursday May 24:
Stefan Karpinski: "Efficient Clustering of Nonparametric Distributions
with Applications to Modeling Network Flow Behavior"
- Week 9, Thursday May 31:
Stacy Patterson: "A General Model for Distributed Average Consensus"
- Week 10, Thursday June 7:
Ömer Egecioglu: "A Game by Conway"
Course Info
"Theoretically Speaking" is a weekly seminar devoted to all things
theory at UCSB's computer science department. The goal is to bring together
students, postdocs and faculty who have an interest in theoretical computer
The seminar meets on Thursdays between 2:00 and 2:50 pm in CTL 932
101. Typically, somebody, anybody, will give an informal white board
presentation with ample opportunities for questions,
interruptions, and tangents.
The presentation does not have to be about your own research.
Instead, the only criterion for picking a topic should be that you think
that others will be interested in hearing about it;
think of it as an academic "Show and Tell".
We try to keep a flexible schedule as we understand that not everybody
can always attend. Suggestions of any kind to improve the seminar are welcome.
- Wim van Dam
Harold Frank Hall, Room 2151
- ID: CMPSC 595A - Graduate Seminar, Spring 2007
- units: 1
- prerequisites: an interest in theoretical computer science
- requirements: participation
- [April 10] The seminar on Thursday, April 12 will be in room 3001 of the CNSI building.
- [April 10] Tentative schedule posted. Please email me your additions and corrections.
- [March 28, 2007] Installment of this web site for CS 595A.