CS291K - Advanced Data Mining | home | schedule | project |
[May 31, 2016] Please turn in your final project report, source code and presentation slides (due date, June 8th, 2016) using the following command: turnin mp3@cs291k mp3
[April 13, 2016] Noshir's talk, http://www.cs.ucsb.edu/news/events/noshir-contractor-research-group-talk. No Class on April 13. My office hour on April 13 is moved to April 14, 1:00-2:00pm.
Abstract: This is a graduate-level course on data mining. This time, we will specifically focus on neural network, deep learning, and text analysis including knowledge graph and question answering.
Each student is expected to finish 2 machine problems, have a midterm and complete a research project.
Prerequisites: CS130
Time: Monday/Wednesday 11:00- 12:50pm, Location: PHELP 3526 Office Hour: Wed 1:00-2:00pm
TA: Honglei Liu (liuhonglei at gmail dot com) Office Hour: Monday, 1pm to 2pm, TA Office
Text Books (not required)
Lecture notes (limited access)