- 9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
- 9:15-10:30 Invited Lecture
Visualizing the Execution of Web Services
Wim De Pauw (IBM Research)
- 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00-12:30 Session 1
Modelling and Verifying Web Service Orchestration by means of the
Concurrency Workbench
Mariya Koshkina (IBM), Franck van Breugel (York University)
Model Interchange and Integration for Web Services
Robert J. Hall (AT&T Labs Research), Andrea Zisman (City University)
- 12:30-2:00 Lunch Break (lunch is not provided by the
- 2:00-3:30 Session 2
Testing Web Database Applications
Yuetang Deng, Phyllis Frankl (Polytechnic University),
Jiong Wang (Donghua University)
Generating Test Cases for Web Services Using Data Perturbation
Jeff Offutt, Wuzhi Xu (George Mason University)
Static Analysis of Role-Based Access Control in J2EE Applications
Gleb Naumovich, Paolina Centonze (Polytechnic University)
- 3:30-4:00 Coffee Break
- 4:00-5:00 Discussion Session
- What
are the defining characteristics of web services and how do these
characteristics influence testing, analysis and verification?