This webpage is maintained by the graduate student representatives as a service to the graduate student body of the Computer Science Department at UC, Santa Barbara. The CS Department has a number of student representatives that attend most departmental meetings to ensure student issues are considered. Four representatives also attend university-wide GSA assemblies to voice your concerns over issues pertaining to your graduate education. Contact us to get involved!
Gradreps for new academic year!
(Fri, Jun 08, 2018)
We have updated the website for the upcoming GREPs election. Watch this space for more information on this in the coming weeks!!
2015-2016 Elections
(Thu, Oct 01, 2015)
Dear CS grads,
New GradReps website!
(Sat, Nov 22, 2014)
Hello world, this is our new and open-source gradreps website! Hope you like it! If you are hacking-minded do feel free to peek under the hood.
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